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Genevieve entered her literature class with her close friend Evan. "Do you think anyone will sign up?" Evan asked. They took their seats in the middle section of their class. "We always find a way to get club members don't worry about it." She shrugged, unbothered. "Yeah, you're right. That's why you're club president." Evan smiled. Taylor and some of her obnoxious band friends entered the room laughing. They entered and stared down Evan and Genevieve as they made their way to their seats in the back of the classroom.

Taylor sat in her seat that had a good angle of Genevieve and slightly eyed her. She was dressed in a black turtleneck and brown miniskirt that showed off her legs. Taylor softly bit the inside of her cheek as her mind raced with unholy thoughts.

"What are you dressed up for today loser? You trying to get sign ups for your stupid club by seducing them in a miniskirt?" Taylor said as her friends silently laughed. Genevieve took a deep breath and looked over at Taylor. "Jealous you can't get any?" She sarcastically smiled. Evan's eyes slightly widened as he and Taylor's friends watched their exchange.

"You know what-" Taylor was cut off by their teacher entering the class. "Get your books out and start working on your poetry analysis!" He called out. They settled in and began to work on their notes. Taylor chewed on her piece of gum and tore pieces of paper. She rolled the paper up into balls and began to throw them at Genevieve.

Genevieve felt the repeated tap of papers hitting her and tried to ignore it. Taylor smirked and continued. Genevieve turned and glared, "Can you fucking stop?!" She shouted. The teacher looked over at them. "What's going on?" He asked. "She's throwing paper at me!" Genevieve replied. Taylor looked at their teacher and shrugged, acting clueless. "I'm just doing my notes." Taylor replied.

"Do I have to send you both to the office again?" He warned. "I didn't do anything." Genevieve argued. "Miss. Grey you're disrupting the class." He replied. "Because she's hitting me with paper!" She glared. "Ladies! Cut it out or I'm sending you to the office." He warned and went back to doing his work.

Genevieve turned back to glare at Taylor, "I hate you." She mumbled. Taylor smirked and taunted her with an air kiss. Genevieve rolled her eyes and tried to go back to doing her notes.

It was lunch time. Which meant it was club rush time. Genevieve was organizing her locker. Evan looked through the fliers for their theater club, "I hope we can at least recruit some good freshman this year. Fighting with the band kids over them was a pain in the ass."

The theater and band kids had a competition when it came to club rush, which was part of the reason they also hated each other. The artsy kids wanted to be apart of both groups but their schedules always conflicted. You couldn't be both, you had to be one or the other.

Genevieve bent down to grab her bag and felt something smack her ass. She quickly stood up straight and looked over to see Taylor smirking and laughing with her band friends in passing. Genevieve glared and slammed her locker shut. "She just smacked my ass."

Evan looked around, "I didn't see anything." He said confused. "I know what I felt." Genevieve mumbled and walked off. Evan quickly followed her out toward the campus courtyard. They got to their table and set it up. "I brought us both lunch. Just so we could be here full time and not miss any potential sign ups." Evan said taking out the extra food from his lunch pail.

"That's why I love you Evan." Genevieve smiled and took a bite of the sandwich he gave her. Taylor and her band friends arrived at the table across from them and set it up. Taylor leaned against the table and smirked over at Genevieve. Genevieve rolled her eyes and put on a smile. "Hi join the theater club we have a meeting this Friday!" She said as she handed fliers in passing.

Taylor put on a smile and her charm and handed out fliers, "Join band. Don't join Theater, they just pass diseases." She said to someone in passing. Genevieve glared, "Excuse me?!" She shouted. "I said what I said." Taylor smiled. "We pass diseases? As if the band club didn't have a fucking gonorrhea outbreak last year." Genevieve argued.

Taylor's face turned red from embarrassment. "No we didn't." Taylor said denying it to the people in passing. Genevieve crossed her arms, "Your little friends were passing that shit around like a pack of gummy bears."

Some freshmen and other clubs nearby laughed. Taylor stepped up to Genevieve's face and stared her down, "Shut the fuck up." She mumbled. Genevieve backed up with her hands up in defense, "Stand back! I don't want to catch your band cooties." Genevieve said making the students around them laugh.

"You bitch-" Taylor said grabbing Genevieve by the shirt. The two ready to get into a physical altercation before Vice Principal Sandra stepped in to break them up. "That's enough ladies!" She shouted and split them up.

"Careful Ms. Sandra you might catch gonorrhea." Genevieve said continuing to try an aggravate Taylor. "Fuck you, I don't have gonorrhea!" Taylor shouted. "Miss. Swift, you and your friends need to get your things and move your table down there." Ms. Sandra said.

"Why do we have to move?!" Taylor whined. "Because we were here first." Genevieve replied. "Miss. Grey." Ms. Sandra glared. Genevieve put her hands up in defense and sat down at her table. "Go." Ms.Sandra ordered. Taylor gave Genevieve a death glare and went to grab her things and move their table. "I can't believe you did that." Evan softly laughed. "They drop their bar...then my bar goes down to hell."Genevieve smirked. Evan shook his head and continued to pass out fliers to students in passing.

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