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Evan and Greg were helping Ms. Clark pass out drinks and serve food to everyone. "Ms. Clark, is everyone really here?" Evan asked. "What do you mean?" She asked as she gave food to the final students and gave Evan and Greg theirs. "Like all the students in our class." Evan replied. "Yes, why?" She asked. "But then shouldn't Amanda and Bryan be here?" He asked. "Well actually Bryan and Amanda asked to be transferred out of class. They won't be with us next semester." Ms. Clark explained. "Why?" Evan asked. "I'm not sure. I was just given the notice by Vice Principal Sandra so it gave them an exemption from having to join us on the trip." She explained. "Go have lunch you two. Thanks for helping." She smiled and walked off.

Evan and Greg sat down and looked out at everyone eating their lunch with their partners and talking. Everyone was getting along just fine. The only ones who couldn't stand being with each other were Taylor and Genevieve, more Genevieve than Taylor. Greg took a bite of his sandwich, "So who's Amanda?" Greg asked. "Some bitch Genevieve was friends with who was in our class." Evan replied. "So I'm assuming you hate her?" Greg joked. "How can you tell?" Evan jokingly gasped. Greg laughed.


Ms. Clark sat down with Mr. Harris and watched their students. "I think I figured it out." He said finishing a bite of his food. "What?" Ms. Clark asked. "Everyone is getting along fine." He said and looked over to Taylor and Genevieve, who sat far from each other. "Except for them." He pointed. Ms. Clark watched them. "With everything going on with them of course they aren't exactly getting along." She replied. "Yes, but if you think about the times our students actually didn't get into any scandals, it was because those two had something going on." Mr. Harris explained.

Ms. Clark thought about it for a moment. "When you look at it that way I suppose you have a point." She replied. "I think the only reason any of them got into something was because they all got caught in Taylor and Genevieve's mess. But it wasn't because they had anything personal with each other, it was Genevieve and Taylor telling them what to do and them just following their orders." He explained. "I think we might have gotten caught in their mess ourselves." Ms. Clark replied. "How so?" Mr. Harris asked.

"Well for starters we never exactly had a problem with each other, we only ever seem to clash because our students refuse to get along and drag us in the middle of it." She replied. "Fair enough." He shrugged. "You're not so bad though, Harris." Ms. Clark replied. Mr. Harris smiled and looked over at her, " You're not so bad yourself, Clark." He replied. She softly smiled as they looked out at their students.


"S'more time everyone!" Mr. Harris called out and handed out rods to everyone. Taylor glanced over and saw Genevieve go into the tent. "Are you gonna come make a s'more?" Ms. Clark asked as she gave Taylor a rod. "Sure." Taylor faintly smiled. "Where's Genevieve?" She asked. "I think she wanted to turn in for the night." Taylor replied. Ms. Clark looked over at their tent and nodded. "Why don't you just go and and make a S'more with everyone." Ms. Clark softly smiled. Taylor nodded and walked over to the campfire. Everyone was happily in their pairs talking and laughing.

Evan and greg noticed Taylor's lost expression and waved her over. "Taylor come here." Greg called out. Taylor walked over and sat down. "Welcome to the club." Evan joked. "Thanks." Taylor faintly smiled. "Taylor, Evan makes the best s'mores you have to try one." Greg smiled and ate his s'more. "You're making s'mores for everyone?" Taylor asked. "Just for my partner and you." Evan laughed and assembled a s'more. "Here." He said handing her the S'more. "Thanks." Taylor took a bite and her eyes widened. "Right?" Greg smirked. "How did you roast the marshmellow so perfectly?" Taylor asked covering her mouth as she chewed.

"I can't give away my secrets. That's how I prove that I'm husband material." Evan said putting another marshmellow to roast. "I would love having a husband who made me S'more like this." Greg said mid chew. Taylor and Evan both looked at him in silence. "If I were a woman that is." Greg added. Evan softly laughed and watched his marshmellow roast.


Taylor carefully zipped up the tent trying not to wake Genevieve. She laid down on her sleeping bag and silently listened to the nature around them. For some reason it all felt peaceful. They were finally out of their hectic school life and out in the middle of the wilderness enjoying each other's company. Except Genvieve. She didn't want to participate in anything or be around anyone.

Taylor saw Genevieve slightly shiver from the cold air ventilating into the tent. She carefully grabbed Genevieve's blanket and covered her up. She watched her for a moment to make sure she was sleeping and carefully leaned down to kiss her head. Taylor faintly smiled to herself and got into her sleeping bag and fell asleep. Genevieve slowly opened her eyes and saw Taylor soundly sleeping. No matter how awful she was being and how much she didn't want anything to do with anyone, Taylor still kept trying. She wanted to be mad at her but part of her felt conflicted.

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