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"The 4 weeks will fly by before you know it and I'll be coming back home to you." Genevieve smiled. Taylor faintly smiled. "Call me when you get there?" Taylor asked. Genevieve nodded. "Of course." Genevieve gave Taylor one last kiss before getting in the car. "Ready?" Nicholas asked. "Ready." Genevieve smiled. Taylor stood by and watched as Nicholas started the car. Genevieve buckled up and gave Taylor a reassuring smile. "I love you." She mouthed. Taylor faintly smiled as the car pulled out of the driveway and drove away.


Taylor stared out the window of the car. "Taylor?" Tree asked, snapping Taylor out of her thoughts. "Yes?" She asked. "So how did your meeting this morning go?" She asked. Taylor sighed, "Well she agreed to see me." She replied. "That's good. It's a start." Tree smiled. Taylor looked over at Tree, "Then she pushed me into the pool." She added. Tree's smile fell, "Oh. Why did she do that?" Tree asked. "Her way of a truce I guess." Taylor replied. "Did she at least agree to the idea?" Tree asked. "She did. Let's just hope it all goes well, and she doesn't try to kill me while we're on set." Taylor sighed.

Tree softly laughed. "You guys were close at one point, weren't you?" She asked. Taylor shrugged, "I guess you can say that." She replied. "What happened? I don't think you ever told me." Tree asked. Taylor looked away, "I got my big break early on and I finished the rest of the school year being home-schooled...We just drifted apart." Taylor said. "Why would she be so angry at you over that?" Tree questioned. "I guess she felt like I abandoned her or something." Taylor shrugged. "Hm." Tree said as she sat back in her seat. She didn't believe a word Taylor was saying, but she figured she was being secretive about it for a reason and chose not to pry at the moment.


Taylor walked the small town streets alone. It had been a week of Genevieve being in New York. They barely had time to talk on the phone. Taylor kept trying to call Genevieve but the call continued to fail. She tried once more and Her face immediately lit up upon seeing Genevieve's face pop up on her phone. "There you are." Taylor smiled. "Hey!" Genevieve said over the loud music in the background. Taylor examined the background of the place Genevieve was in. She could only make out some colorful lights. "Where are you?" Taylor asked. "Some of my summer program friends took me out to explore the city at night." Genevieve smiled. "Oh." Taylor faintly smiled.

Genevieve zoomed in to her camera. "Where are you?" She asked." Taylor panned the camera around, "Our spot. Well technically James and Elizabeth's spot." Taylor shrugged. "Alone?" Genevieve asked. "Well yeah." Taylor replied. "Sorry I can't be there." Genevieve pouted. "It's okay. Maybe we can have a little virtual date one of these days." Taylor smiled. "I don't know...This program has us working around the clock and time differences are kind of crazy. But I could try." Genevieve replied. "G.G are you coming or not!" A woman's voice called out. "G.G?" Taylor questioned. Genevieve softly laughed, "Yeah it's a little nickname my friends gave me."

"Why G.G?" Taylor asked. "Genevieve Grey. G.G. Our instructor found it much easier to say so everyone just goes with it." Genevieve shrugged. "Sounds like your shiny new friends officially indoctrinated you." Taylor bitterly joked. "Oh please it's just a nickname, it's no big deal." Genevieve laughed. "It starts with a nickname like G.G and next thing you know you're going to come back home a snobby New Yorker." Taylor replied. Genevieve playfully rolled her eyes, "I will not."

"G.G come on girl we don't have all night." A man said as he snatched her phone away. "She's busy with us she will have to get back to you later!" He shouted over the loud noise and hung up the phone. Taylor silently stared at her phone and shook her head as she tucked it away. Her phone buzzed and she quickly took it back out of her pocket.

Eat a muffin for me. I love you :) -G

Taylor faintly smiled and tucked her phone away.


"So she wants you to work on her movie?" Victoria asked. Genevieve, Victoria, Greg, and Evan were all sitting at the dinner table eating together. "She said she wants me as the lead and I said sure, but I don't even know if I want to honestly." Genevieve said as she ate her dinner. "Well you already pushed her in the pool and said yes. You can't just back out on her like that." Evan replied. Victoria froze mid-bite and looked from Evan to Genevieve, "You pushed her in a pool?" Victoria asked. Genevieve shrugged.

"Genevieve you can't just go around pushing people into pools." Victoria glared. "I'm not." Genevieve shrugged, "I pushed my ex in a pool. That's different." She smiled and proudly ate the food on her fork. Greg softly laughed and ate his food. "What they did to each other when we were younger was worse." Evan added. "Like what?" Victoria asked. "Like during club rush Genevieve basically told the whole school the band kids had gonorrhea." Evan said. "Because she started it first and told people we had diseases." Genevieve defended. "Genevieve also got us to fill their brass instruments with chocolate pudding so when one of the players used it it splattered all over one of the students." Evan said. "Because they sabotaged our first club meeting by letting lab rats loose." Genevieve defended.

Victoria sat in shock as she listened to Evan list off things. "And the time you broke her car windows during formal?" Evan asked. "She was kissing that bitch Rachel on the side of the gym." Genevieve mumbled. "But you weren't even dating." Evan laughed. "It was still her fault for bringing that dumbass into our lives in the first place." Genevieve replied. "What the hell were all of you on?" Victoria asked. "Nothing. The point is, she starts it. I wouldn't push her into the pool for no reason." Genevieve argued. Victoria leaned forward, "What exactly is that reason?" She asked. Genevieve got quiet and silently continued to eat her food. "Good luck with that one, she won't even tell me." Evan replied.

Dear Lover, I Loathe You.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang