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Genevieve was leaning back against her locker. Taylor's arms were wrapped around her waist. "So when are we ever going to take the trip back out for James and Elizabeth's wedding?" Taylor jokingly asked. "When Elizabeth and James aren't grounded for sneaking out there in the first place." Genevieve replied. "It was worth it." Taylor smiled. "Was it really?" Genevieve softly laughed. Taylor nodded and slightly leaned in, "I think it was."

Genevieve softly smiled and leaned in, her lips close to touching Taylor's. "Emergency meeting!" Hannah shouted, interrupting them as she grabbed them both and rushed them off to the Theater room.


They entered the Theater room where everyone was waiting. "Where have you been?" Evan asked. "What's going on?" Genevieve asked. "We were in the middle of something." Taylor mumbled. "Macie got us the video." Hannah said. "So did she confess?" Greg asked.

"That's why I wanted to play it for everyone here." Hannah said scrolling through her phone. Everyone gathered around as she pulled up the video.

"Hey Rachel, so what's been going on with Amanda? Why is she still following all of you guys around like a puppy? "Macie asked. Rachel laughed, "That loser? Well she's seeing Bryan so we all play nice for now." She replied. "Why is he seeing her anyway?" Macie questioned. "She was the one who gave him the dirt on those nerds. It doesn't matter though he's seeing me anyway and the funny thing is she doesn't even have a clue." Rachel replied.

"She really betrayed her own friends like that?" Macie asked. "Between you and me, she's so desperate to be popular that all Bryan and I had to do was 'make her one of us' and she was more than willing to throw them all under the bus. So once she told Bryan what was going on with Genevieve and Taylor, he told me, and I set them up with the camera. Amanda helped us set up that video link though and she sent it out to the whole school during Homecoming." Rachel explained.

"That's some...evil genius." Macie replied. "I know right? That's what those bitches deserved after what they did to us." Rachel replied. "Well then what are you going to do about Amanda?" Macie asked. Rachel laughed,"Now that's the fun part. She thinks she's going to be prom queen and get all the glory, but Bryan and I have a whole plan to cut her loose. Bryan and I are going to be crowned Prom king and Queen and that's when we'll launch our relationship and he'll dump her." Rachel shrugged.

The video stopped and they all stood in silence. "They're going to embarrass her in front of everyone?" Genevieve asked. "Who cares?" Evan shrugged. "She set herself up for it." Hannah added. Genevieve sighed, "Guys I know we have our feelings about Amanda...but I don't know if I could let that happen to her." Genevieve said. "After what she did to you?Genevieve you can't be serious." Evan replied.

"It seems like this was more Rachel and Bryan's plan and Amanda just got caught in the middle. They don't even like her and they want to throw her under the bus. It just doesn't seem right. Especially that level of embarrassment?" Genevieve questioned. Everyone looked at each other in silence. "Well are we still doing this?" Hannah asked. "Maybe I should tell Amanda. If we can get her back on our side maybe she can help." Genevieve suggested.

"Or you give her our entire plan and fuck us all over because her stupid ass is just going to run to Bryan with all the info." Evan argued. "What if she doesn't?" Genevieve shrugged. "And what if she does and they move ahead and frame Taylor for the whole damn thing?" Evan asked. Genevieve stayed silent and looked over at Taylor.

"You understand where I'm coming from with this right?" Genevieve asked. Taylor hesitated for a moment, "Genevieve, I love you but...Evan's right I can't risk that. If she runs to them with all of this they'll just move forward and find a way to screw me over." Taylor replied. "But we have the video confession." Genevieve said.

"Yeah, the confession my cousin got us in agreement that if we do this she won't face any serious consequences like the rest of those idiots. This would put her and the rest of us at risk, Genevieve. We can't just switch course because you decided to be the bigger person all of a sudden." Hannah argued. "So you guys are really willing to let those assholes get what they want and make a joke out of someone unsuspecting?" Genevieve asked.

Everyone stayed silent. "I can't believe you guys." Genevieve mumbled and stormed off. "I should go check on her." Taylor sighed and went off after Genevieve. Everyone looked at each other. "So what are we doing?" Greg asked. "What is there left to do?" Hannah asked.

"We should have enough for me to turn that video over as a confession." Jaime said. "Are we still going through with it then?" Greg asked. "We're in too deep to just do nothing with all of this." Hannah said. "So we agree we're doing this then?" Greg asked. "I know Genevieve might be upset over the Amanda thing but Taylor's our friend and her girlfriend. There's still an open investigation and this would help clear her. I don't have anything against Genevieve, but I'm not letting my friend go down for something those assholes did." Hannah argued.

"Maybe we can do something that helps both." Evan suggested. "Like what?" Greg asked. Evan smirked, "I have a plan."


Genevieve saw Amanda at her locker after school. She hesitated to go up and talk to her for a moment. She took a deep breathe and mustered the courage to approach her. "Amanda." She said. Amanda saw Genevieve approaching and rolled her eyes. She shut her locker and turned to look at Genevieve. "What do you want loser?" Amanda sighed.

Genevieve bit the inside of her cheek refraining from saying anything rude in response. "I need to talk to you about something you should know." Genevieve sighed. "You should know that Rachel is only pretending to be your friend and-" Amanda cut her off. "Are you that jealous of me having cooler friends?"

"That's not what this is about if you just-" Genevieve tried to explain. "Oh my god you're so pathetic. I know what you're trying to do." Amanda crossed her arms. Genevieve slightly glared, "What exactly am I trying to do?" Genevieve asked. "You're trying to interfere with my life and relationships as some pathetic way to get back at me. News flash, it's not gonna work." Amanda laughed to herself and rudely bumped into Genevieve's shoulder as she walked off. Genevieve silently watched her walk away and shook her head in disbelief.

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