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Genevieve and Amanda made their way down to meet with Evan and Bryan who were waiting for them downstairs. "You both look so beautiful." Genevieve's mother smiled and snapped photos of the two. "Mom.."Genevieve groaned. "What? You'll want to remember these memories one day." She smiled and continued to take photos.

Bryan smiled and wrapped his arms around Genevieve. "Ready to go?" He asked. Genevieve faintly smiled and nodded. They were making their way out when Genevieve's mother stopped them. "Wait let me get a photo of all of you together!"

Genevieve sighed and posed with Bryan. Her mother took the photo and smiled, "Have fun. Don't be home too late!" She said as they made their way off.


They arrived at the dance and looked around at the crowd of students dancing. Genevieve's eyes wandered around looking for Taylor. Her eyes landed toward the bleachers where Taylor was off laughing with her friends.

Amanda caught her staring and slightly nudged her. Genevieve looked over at her and saw Amanda give her a slight glare and shake her head. She took one final glance over. Taylor laughed and looked around, her eyes ultimately locking with Genevieve's across the room. Her smile slightly fell and she quickly looked back at her friends.

"Why don't we go dance?" Amanda suggested. They went off toward the dance floor and danced around to the music. Genevieve couldn't help but steal glances toward Taylor's direction. Amanda playfully stole Genevieve away from Bryan for a moment while they all danced in the crowd. "Seriously, Genevieve. Don't even think about it." She whispered in her friend's ear. "I just need to talk to her." Genevieve replied. "No." Amanda glared and went back to dancing.

Bryan noticed the tense exchange. Genevieve went back to dancing with him and pretended to act like everything was fine. "What was that about?" Bryan asked. "She was just talking about some guy she dated being here with some girl she hates." Genevieve shrugged. Bryan didn't believe her but didn't have much to argue against it.


Genevieve and Bryan were off taking a break from a night of dancing. "So I was thinking..." Bryan trailed off. "Yes?" Genevieve asked. "Maybe we can go off somewhere alone...after the dance?" He asked. Genevieve knew what he was implying. "Like a late night date?" Genevieve pretended to be clueless.

"Well not necessarily." He replied. "Going out for some food after sounds great." Genevieve smiled. "Well actually I was thinking more-"Bryan tried to explain but was cut off. "Bryan!!!" His group of jock friends quickly crowded around him. Genevieve felt relieved and looked off trying to find Taylor. She didn't see her around. She looked back at Bryan and saw him distracted and doing his best to be polite.

Genevieve slipped away unnoticed and walked out of the dance to look for Taylor. She made her way out of the building and walked off outside. She froze when she looked around the side of the building and saw Taylor lip locked with Rachel. She felt her heart sink.

She slowly walked off trying to process what she had just seen. Her emotions were high, her vision began to blur from the tears emerging, and finally the anger set in. She made her way off to the student parking lot and approached Taylor's car. She wasn't thinking in that moment and began to angrily strike at her car windows with her phone not caring if she broke it. The glass shattered. She continued to break the rest of her windows. The tears were streaming down her face. Her hands were getting cuts from the broken glass.

Taylor and Rachel pulled away from each other from a moment, interrupted by a distance sound of a car alarm going off. "What's that?" Taylor asked. "Who cares." Rachel said pulling Taylor back in to a kiss. "Taylor!" Caleb shouted and came around the corner looking for her. Taylor pulled away, "What?" She asked. "It's your car!" Caleb shouted. "What?!" Taylor rushed off after Caleb with Rachel following close behind.

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