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Taylor sat off in the corner of the restaurant alone, scrolling through her phone. All she saw were photo updates of Genevieve having the time of her life in New York. The barista behind the counter was cleaning the display and noticed Taylor sitting alone in a corner of the restaurant. "Inez?" She said to the Lead barista. "Yeah?" Inez asked as she sorted the cash register. "Have you noticed our usual regular has been coming in alone lately?" She asked. "I've seen walking around town alone too." Inez said. "Do you think they broke up?" She asked. Inez glanced over and finished with the register. "Well, she has been looking pretty sad lately. Maybe something happened?" Inez shrugged and went off to do her work.

"I'm going to take my break." She said. "Okay." Inez shrugged. She took a muffin from the display and made her way over to Taylor. "Hi." She softly smiled. Taylor looked up from her phone and up at the girl in front of her. "I saw you were sitting alone and just wanted to bring you this." She set the muffin down on the table. "A muffin? How much did it cost?" Taylor asked. "I get free pastries since I work here, so don't worry about it." She replied. Taylor glanced down at the muffin and smiled, "Well thank you."

The girl blushed and smiled, "Of course, I'll leave you alone now. You're probably busy." She said ready to walk away. "Wait." Taylor called out. The girl turned around, "Yes?" She asked. "Do you want to maybe talk for a bit? If you can anyway." Taylor asked. "I have a short break but maybe some other time?" She asked. Taylor nodded, "What was your name again?" She asked. "Augustine. But my friends just call me August." She smiled and held out her hand. Taylor smiled and shook her hand.


"I know said yes, but I still didn't know what I was getting into. I just don't know if this is a project I want to be apart of." Genevieve said as she sat at a conference table with Mason and Taylor. "You can't just back out of this now." Taylor said. "There was never a contract to begin with, Taylor. So I'm not obligated to do anything." Genevieve said. "Why are you so against this project?" Mason asked. "It's not that I'm against this project. But you and I both know how important it is to have a cohesive dynamic on set where everyone works well together. I just don't think we're a compatible work dynamic." Genevieve explained.

"That is such bullshit and you know it." Taylor glared. Genevieve glared at her and looked over at Mason and waited for his response. "She's right." Mason replied. "What?" Taylor asked. "If there is a toxic work environemt it won't be good for anyone. It's important there is a healthy cohesive team on board for this film to be a success. If we have any opposing forces you'll have a team who isn't putting their full effort in and sabotages the movie and the process. The last thing you want to do is piss off the studios and investors." Mason explained.

"Can we talk alone please?" Taylor asked Mason. Mason nodded and left the room. "What the hell are you trying to do I thought you said we had a truce?" Taylor glared. "I'm doing you a favor." Genevieve replied. "Who are you to decide that for me? I asked you to be apart of this because I believe you're the best in the industry right now" Taylor said. "Do you really think we're capable of working together? Honestly." Genevieve asked. "I thought we were past all of this." Taylor sighed.

"I agreed to be civil. But it's been years since we've even talked or even been in close proximity to each other again. That kind of shit takes time to properly work through and get over. it's not going to happen in a day." Genevieve argued. "Then what will it take?" Taylor asked. "For what?" Genevieve asked. "For us to be...okay. I really don't like fighting with you Genevieve and i've told you the same thing since we were teenagers." Taylor said.

Genevieve looked off in thought. "I'll do anything. Just tell me what you want?" Taylor pleaded. "Why do you want me to be involved in this so bad?" Genevieve asked. taylor stayed silent and looked away unable to give her a direct answer. "Whatever I knew this wouldn't work." Genevieve got up and was ready to leave. "The Oscars!" Taylor blurted. Genevieve stopped, her hand froze on the handle of the door. She turned to look at Taylor.

"I know you've been trying to win that Oscar for Best Actress. This movie could be it." Taylor said. Genevieve silently listened. "You already know my fans go absolutely crazy for anything I make. They'll be swarming those theaters and make your name even more known. This would be great publicity for us both but I can't do it without you. So please?" Taylor asked. Genevieve thought for a moment. Taylor wasn't wrong. She did want that Oscar. Genevieve had been working to win that category for 5 years now. She's gotten awards for supporting actress and more but the Oscar for Best Actress was everything she wanted.

"Fine. Send the script and contract to my people and I'll look it over and consider." Genevieve replied. "Really?" Taylor asked. Genevieve nodded. "And I mean like really really. You can't back out on me for this." Taylor said. "Yes, yes, and yes. I'll be apart of your film." She sighed. Taylor smiled, "Great. I'll send tell Mason and we'll send your people everything you need." Taylor nodded. Genevieve faintly smiled and was ready to leave. "Genevieve?" Taylor asked. Genevieve stopped halfway and had her back turned. "Thank you." Taylor said. Genevieve nodded and left the room.

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