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"Okay everyone, I hope you've been practicing the material. Homecoming is tomorrow night and I don't plan on giving you a final for this class but I do expect you to give the best performance. No bullshit." Mr. Harris said and looked over at Taylor. "What are you looking at me for?" Taylor asked. "Because when I say no bullshit. I mean it." Mr. Harris warned.

"I've been on my best behavior." Taylor replied. "For now. But I'm serious, all of you. Best behaviors for tomorrow night. But especially you, Taylor. I'm trusting you to conduct tomorrow night so I hope you've been practicing." He said. "I have them well trained." Taylor joked as the rest of the class laughed. "I'm counting on it." Mr. Harris replied and went to work on his computer.

"So are you excited?" Greg asked. "For?" Taylor asked. "Homecoming, your girlfriend is literally a nominee." Greg replied. Taylor shrugged, "It's her win not mine." She replied. "But if she wins you'd officially be dating the homecoming queen...who's also one of the head cheerleaders. You won at life." Greg said. Taylor faintly smiled, "I guess."

"No one cares about homecoming that's like crowning a bunch of stupid jesters. It's prom everyone cares about." Hannah said jumping into the conversation. "Well people still care about it because they make a big deal over the homecoming court every year." Greg argued. "But Prom king and Queen is a much bigger deal. That's the one prize the jocks care more about, so no one cares until it's Prom." Hannah replied. "Plus, the stupid jocks win it all the time. No offense to your girlfriend though." Hannah added.

"It's all stupid anyways." Taylor shrugged. "Yet you're gonna sit pretty and support her anyways." Greg said playfully pinching Taylor's cheek. Taylor smacked his hand away. "Well I mean the entire school basically shows up for the stupid homecoming game so I have to be supportive regardless. 'School pride' and all that crap." Taylor replied making them laugh.


Ms. Clark stood up in front of the class and looked through her clipboard. "So as you all know, finals are coming up soon but I'm not asking much. I want you all to pick out a monologue and perform it." She looked down at her clipboard, "But Bryan here had something he wanted to tell the class. You have the floor." She smiled.

Bryan smiled, "Thanks Ms. C." He stepped up in front of the class. "So homecoming is tomorrow night and I know some of you guys would rather skip it. But I really would appreciate if everyone went. It's gonna be a big game and being in theater this semester with you all was amazing. The support we all have for each other when we perform is amazing and I'd love to see that out for the final game."

Everyone in the class looked at each other unsure. "Come on guys, we can't let one of our own down it's just one game." Amanda said. "Right Genevieve?" Amanda asked looking for support. Genevieve softly smiled, "The least we could do is be supportive. It might be fun." Genevieve shrugged. "Our club president has spoken. Be there!" Amanda said as everyone else slowly caved and agreed. "Great." Bryan smiled and sat back down with Genevieve. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.


"I'll see you tomorrow night beautiful." Bryan said giving Genevieve one last kiss before he split ways with her. Evan silently walked alongside her. "So you're still sticking with him?" Evan asked. "Evan..." Genevieve sighed as they made their way to her car.

"Did you talk to Taylor at all?" Evan asked. "What am I supposed to say? I already told her I wanted to end thing am I just supposed to go say I take it back?" Genevieve asked. "She doesn't even want to see me anyways." She sighed and got in the car. "How would you know?" Evan asked as he buckled his seat belt. "She actively tries to avoid me now. So that's not happening." Genevieve replied.

"So you have been thinking about it?" Evan smirked. Genevieve slightly glared over at him, "No. I just know it won't work. All I'm worried about is just trying to support Bryan at his homecoming game. That's my priority." She said starting up her car. "So how will that end? With you saying I do because you're too much of a chicken to tell him you don't want to be with him?" Evan asked.

Genevieve sighed, "Evan. What happens if I break things off with him for nothing? What if Taylor wouldn't even want me? It doesn't really seem like the appealing choice." She replied. "Ok future Mrs. Bryan, what do you plan on doing then?" Evan asked. Genevieve glared and punched his arm, "Shut up."

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