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Genevieve walked down the hall with Amanda and Evan. "Can I be honest? I don't get the point of football or sports really. Like what's the appeal of balls just flying everywhere?" Evan asked. "Didn't you date that Varsity soccer player who was on the DL freshman year? The senior?" Amanda asked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Evan said acting oblivious.

"The guy you were madly in love with who was just hooking up with you while he was publicly dating one of the girls on the girl's soccer team." Amanda said trying to remind him. Genevieve nodded, "He's the one you cried to us over that time we had a movie night at my house." She added. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell." Evan replied.

"Bullshit, you were hoping he was going to confess his love for you and it would be this magical gay love story out of a book." Amanda laughed. "Can you shut the fuck up?" Evan glared. "So you do remember?" Amanda replied. Evan stayed silent and walked away. Genevieve and Amanda watched him walk off. "Why'd you have to go and say that dumb shit for?" Genevieve glared. "What? I was just saying the truth." Amanda shrugged. "Amanda you can be such a bitch sometimes I swear." Genevieve shook her head and went off to follow Evan.

"Evan?" Genevieve asked looking around the empty theater classroom for Evan. She made her way to the backroom where they kept the supplies and costumes. "Evan?" She asked once again and saw him sitting with the pile of clothes on the floor. "Go away." Evan said wiping his eyes.

"Evan...you know Amanda's just dumb like that sometimes." Genevieve said sitting down next to him. "I didn't want to be reminded of him, Genevieve. Do you know how long its taken to get over him?" Evan frowned. Genevieve frowned, "I didn't know it still hurt you that bad." She replied. "It didn't for a while..."Evan sighed. "But then we started talking again."

Genevieve's eyes widened, "Evan, why are you talking to that piece of shit again?!" She glared. Evan wiped his tear and shook his head, "Genevieve, I loved him." Evan replied. "He was 17 screwing with a 15-year-old. He's a piece of shit." Genevieve replied. "We had something special. I know you could never understand. But even though he had a girlfriend, he loved me. You weren't there to see our moments together." He replied.

Genevieve silently listened. "But when he reached out to me a few months ago I thought this was fate bringing us back together. I thought he was really the one and this was it. He was going to confess his love for me and that would be it. Turns out he just wanted to hook up again." Evan replied. "Don't tell me you actually did it..." Genevieve sighed.

"Not my proudest moment." He replied, not denying it. "But I only found out two weeks ago he and Lia, the girlfriend he's been with since high school are engaged now. He was never going to choose me. He was always going to choose her." He explained. "Why didn't you tell us about this?" Genevieve frowned. "Do you know how shitty it is to be the other person? Or find out you were never anything special to the person you liked just to find out you were really the other person in their relationship?" Evan asked.

Genevieve frowned and looked off. "I do actually..." She quietly replied. "What?" Evan asked. Genevieve took a deep breath and exhaled, "Can I tell you something and you promise not to tell?" Genevieve asked. "You can always tell me anything." Evan nodded. "I've been...hooking up with Taylor." Genevieve replied. Evan looked confused, "What Taylor?" Evan asked.

Genevieve stared at him in silence. His eyes slowly widened in realization, "No." He gasped. "But Bryan??" He asked. Genevieve sighed, "Bryan is great and all but...it's just not the same. But it's not like I can be out with Taylor after everything we've put each other through all these years. Like could you imagine what my parents would do if they found out I was with her after everything?"

"But I thought Taylor was seeing Rachel?" Evan asked. "Well she is..."Genevieve replied. "Genevieve, no." Evan frowned. "I feel bad about it now after what you said. I don't want to end up in a situation like that." Genevieve frowned. "What are you going to do then?" Evan asked. Genevieve sighed, "I have to do the responsible thing." She replied. They sat in silence for a moment. "I can't believe you were screwing your sworn enemy." Evan laughed. Genevieve glared and smack the back of his head. "Ow." He glared and rubbed his head. "Not a fucking word." She glared. "Your secret is safe with me." He nodded.

It was last period, Genevieve waited in the auditorium for Taylor to meet her. Taylor made her way into the auditorium with a smile and wrapped Genevieve in her arms. "Hey babe." Taylor smiled and went in to kiss her. Genevieve lightly pushed her away. Taylor frowned, "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Taylor we have to end this." Genevieve replied. "What?" Taylor asked. "This. Whatever this is going on between us. I can't do this." Genevieve sighed. "I thought everything was fine again?" Taylor asked. "It's...it's not. I have a boyfriend. This isn't fair to him." Genevieve replied. "That didn't seem to be a problem when you were going to my house and screwing me." Taylor glared.

"And calling me up late at night so you can screw me once your girlfriend leaves isn't a problem?" Genevieve asked. Taylor stayed silent. "Exactly. This was a mistake, I can't do this anymore." Genevieve said walking off. "So you really love Bryan?" Taylor called out. Genevieve stopped and looked back at Taylor. "Do you love Rachel?" Genevieve asked. Taylor stayed silent. "I don't like using that word." Taylor quietly replied. "Of course you don't." Genevieve replied and left the auditorium.

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