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Genevieve rested her leg over Taylor's hip. Taylor's hand lightly gripped her thigh as they made out on Genevieve's bed. Genevieve gripped Taylor's shirt and pulled her in closer deepening their kiss. Taylor pulled away breathless. "Why'd you stop?" Genevieve pouted. "I need to breathe you know." Taylor said catching her breath. "It's okay death by making out doesn't sound so bad." Genevieve smirked and pressed her lips back onto Taylor's.

Taylor softly laughed against her lips and pulled away. Genevieve frowned and fell back against her pillows. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back and I have something better than kissing that we can do." Taylor winked and left the room. Genevieve softly smiled to herself and relaxed into her bed. She heard Taylor's phone buzzing and didn't think much of it.

It buzzed twice and Genevieve grew curious and reached to grab her phone off the night stand. She looked at the phone and saw a message from someone with a contact named A come up. "Who's A?" She whispered. She heard footsteps approaching and put Taylor's phone back where it was.


Genevieve couldn't sleep. Her mind kept thinking of the text on Taylor's phone. She didn't want to think much of it but she couldn't help it. Genevieve looked over and saw Taylor lightly snoring. She carefully got out of bed and quietly snuck around the room careful not to wake her. She took Taylor's phone off the nightstand and carefully took Taylor's hand that was hanging off the side of the bed she pressed her thumb on the button to unlock it and checked to make sure Taylor was still sleeping. She got up and snuck out of her room and went into the bathroom.

She scrolled through Taylor's phone to find the message and saw it. She opened the message from the mysterious contact. There weren't many messages, almost as if Taylor had been deleting them after opening them.

Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're doing well. Text me. -A

I miss you. Text me back. -A

Are you still coming to visit again? -A

Genevieve silently read the messages and  nervously tapped her nails against the case debating if she should respond. She wanted to know who this person was but she didn't want to alert them. She sighed and typed in a message.

Sorry, I've been occupied. Where are we meeting again? I miss you too.

Genevieve waited a few minutes and got a response.

Hey! It's fine I understand. How about our usual spot? Or we can meet at the cafe after my shift? -A

Genevieve stared at the message unsure what to say. Only Taylor would know what she meant but if she asked she would raise suspicion. She thought for a moment and typed in a message.

What were you thinking of doing?

We can have a hang out on the beach or maybe go back to my house? -A

Genevieve thought for a moment. The only beach was an hour away in the costal town they visited. It was the only place Taylor seemed to be hanging out in when she would talk on the phone with her. She figured it had to be the location.

I'll try and meet you when I have the free time again. I've been pretty busy but I'll message you when I'm back in town.

Okay :) -A

The sound of Taylor's phone ringing disturbed her sleep. She tiredly tapped around her night stand and grabbed her phone. She answered and pressed the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She tiredly answered.

"Taylor it's happening!" Mason's voice rang through. "Huh?" She asked confused. "This is going to be huge for the movie. I just hope this doesn't affect filming and there's no big arguments but I'm sure they'll be fine." Mason rambled on. "What are you talking about?" Taylor asked. "Check the message I sent you." He said.

She squinted protecting her tired eyes from the light of her phone and scrolled to find Mason's message. She saw a thread of photos he sent but couldn't make out what she was looking at. Her eyes adjusted and she saw the photos of Genevieve and Josiah walking out of a restaurant together. His arm was around her waist as they walked in photos. She quickly sat up in bed and scrolled through the photos. Her heart was racing and her breathing grew heavy in panic.

She stopped on a photo of Josiah kissing Genevieve's head and froze. "I told you there was chemistry. It's only a matter of time before they got together." Mason said. "I-it's not confirmed though right? Maybe it was just a friendly dinner?" Taylor asked. "Well I don't do that to my friends when we go to dinner, but I think TMZ confirmed that their teams said they're officially dating." Mason said.

"Then why wouldn't they tell us?" Taylor angrily asked. "Taylor, they aren't obligated to tell us anything. Things like this happen all the time on movie sets. Actors develop their little crushes and have their flings. It only gives the film free publicity, it's a good thing." Mason explained. "No." Taylor replied. "Why are you so against this?" Mason asked. "Because this is supposed to be a professional set. They're actors. It's their job. There's no time for romances on set. I don't need that drama brought onto set." Taylor argued. "Relax. They're friends I'm sure it'll all be okay. But if anything happens we can just talk to their teams." Mason said.

Taylor frowned and looked off into the darkness of her room disappointed and heartbroken. She hated the idea. She didn't care how good it was for the movie. She was dreading the idea of this ever happening and it was finally happening. All hope she ever had of trying to win Genevieve back was slowly crumbling apart. "Everyone is already talking about how great this movie is going to be and how they can't wait to see it now. You should be happy, this is what you wanted. I think this might really win you an Oscar." Mason said. "Great. Can't wait." Taylor said trying to sound less upset than she was. "I'll see you on set Monday." Mason said as he hung up the phone. Taylor glanced down at the photos once more and glared. She threw her phone off into the darkness of her room and buried her head into her pillows.

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