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"We're late!" Amanda shouted. "We aren't late, Varsity barely started." Genevieve replied. They approached the ticket booth and paid for their entry. "I want a hot dog." Evan said looking around for the concession stand. "Of course you do." Amanda replied. Evan slightly glared at her. "Come on, I'll go with you." Genevieve replied. "I'll go find us seats." Amanda said making her way to the bleachers.

"I hate her." Evan mumbled as they walked off. "You know how Amanda is." Genevieve replied. "She's always been an asshole to me for no reason. That's why she's your friend, not mine." Evan replied. "Well she's in our class we're kinda stuck with her." Genevieve replied. "Doesn't mean we have to be friends with her." Evan replied. "Let's just get food and go." Genevieve replied.


Taylor was in her assistant band director uniform and was getting the band ready. "You guys remember your cues right?" She asked. They nodded and got into their lines. "Babe!" Rachel shouted. Taylor turned around and saw Rachel down on the field. "Hey." Taylor softly smiled. "You look cute." Rachel smiled.

"And you always look cute." Taylor replied. Rachel climbed up on the fencing. "Good luck kiss?" Rachel asked. Taylor smiled and leaned down to give her a quick kiss. One of her band players whistled. Taylor turned around and glared at them. Rachel softly laughed, "I'll see you when I win." She winked and made her way off to the rest of the cheer squad. "You gonna give her a victory gift after the game?" Greg joked. "Shut up." Taylor replied and got back into her serious mode.


Genevieve and Evan hung around near the fence and saw the football players in line. "Where's Bryan?" Evan asked. Genevieve looked around and saw the starting group of players talking with the coach. Bryan looked around and spotted Genevieve. He smiled and waved.

Genevieve smiled and waved. He blew her a kiss and made his way out to the field. Evan looked over at the Band in the stands as they began to play. "There's the love of your life." Evan teased. Genevieve lightly shoved him, "She isn't." She mumbled. "Whatever." He laughed. "You know you could always talk to her."

"It's Bryan's homecoming game I'm not doing that to him." Genevieve replied. She stared at Taylor for a moment and looked off toward the game. "Why are you guys all the way up here I found us good seats up there." Amanda said as she made her way over to them. "We don't want to sit with trash. Yet the trash still follows." Evan replied. "What's your problem?" Amanda glared. "You." Evan glared. "Guys! Stop." Genevieve glared. "He started it." Amanda replied.

"I don't care who started it. We're here to watch the game and support Bryan I don't want to hear anymore stupid fighting, please?" She asked. "Whatever." Amanda said as she walked back toward her seat. "Good." Evan mumbled. "You still have to be stuck in a class with her you know." Genevieve replied. "Let me have this." Evan replied. Genevieve softly laughed and watched the game.


Their team was in the lead and the clock was counting down to halftime. "We have this one in the bag." Evan replied. "I thought you didn't see the appeal in stupid sports?" Genevieve asked. "I still don't but I still want to see our team win." Evan replied. The stands of people went crazy screaming for Bryan to score a touchdown.

He dodged through the opposing team's players and managed not to get tackled. Everyone was on edge until he finally made it just as the time ended. The crowd went crazy and cheered. The band began to play as everyone began to get the homecoming nominees lined up. Genevieve looked over at Taylor and saw her taking a break and talking to some of the band.

"Just go talk to her. It's halftime." Evan said. Genevieve shook her head. "Now to announce your new homecoming queen!" The announcer said. Everyone watched as the Homecoming queens lined up waiting to be called. "And your new homecoming queen is..." the announcer said leaving everyone on edge and waiting. "Rachel Thompson!" He announced.

Everyone cheered as she accepted her crown and bouquet of flowers. She made her way back to the cheer squad and waved at the crowd of people cheering. The sound of multiple notifications chiming at once settled the crowd. "What's going on?" Genevieve asked. Everyone was staring at their phones in shock. Evan felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out to see a mysterious link. "What the hell." He mumbled and opened the link.

Genevieve leaned over to see what it was and the color had completely drained from her face. It was a video of Taylor and Genevieve from the night she had went over to see Taylor. She looked up and saw everyone look from their phones and over to her. Her heart began to race and her eyes began to grow watery. "Genevieve..."Evan calmly said trying to make sure she was okay. She looked over and locked eyes with Taylor who looked just as shocked as she did.

Genevieve glared and stormed off rushing away throw the crowds of people and out to the parking lot. Taylor looked over and saw Rachel looking at her phone and over at Taylor with disgust and anger. "Taylor...what is this?" One of the band members asked. Taylor ignored all the stares and quickly ran off to catch up with Genevieve. There was nothing she cared about more than her at this moment.

She rushed out toward the parking lot and saw Genevieve making her way toward her car. "Genevieve!" She called out. "Leave me alone!" She shouted. "Genevieve please!" Taylor said as she caught up and grabbed her arm. "Fuck off!" Genevieve said shoving her away. Taylor saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Is this what you wanted? Was that all I was to you? some big fucking joke? This was what you had planned all along wasn't it."

Taylor shook her head, "Genevieve, I swear I had nothing to do with this!" Taylor said. "Where else did the fucking video come from then? You were recording us." Genevieve glared. "I didn't!" Taylor argued. "You know what? I wanted to believe you weren't as big of a piece of shit as everyone made you out to be. I thought you were different and I feel like such a complete idiot. You're such a piece of shit." Genevieve got into her car and started it up. "Genevieve!" Taylor shouted. Genevieve ignored her and drove off.

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