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Taylor entered the restaurant and smiled upon seeing August at the counter. "Your girlfriend is here." Inez teased. "She's not my girlfriend. We're just friends." August replied. "Whatever you say..." Inez said. "I'm done with my shift today. I'll see you tomorrow." August smiled and clocked out. She had a freshly made cup of coffee in hand and approached Taylor. "Ready to go?" Taylor asked.

August nodded. "I made you your favorite." She said as she handed her the cup. Taylor took the cup and smiled. "You didn't have to." She replied. "It was on the house anyway." August shrugged. "Let's go." August smiled. They made their way out of the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. "So you're from here?" Taylor asked. August nodded. "You're not?" August asked. "No, I actually live an hour away from here." Taylor said taking a sip of her coffee. "An hour? Then why do you come all the way out here?" August asked. "It's a nice town." Taylor shrugged, "It's pretty peaceful out here."

"What do you normally do out here besides visit the cafe?" August asked. "Walk around town. Relax on the beach." Taylor replied. "That's it?" August laughed. "It's a small town what else is there to do?" Taylor asked. "How much time do you have?" August asked. "As long as I get home alive, I'm good for a few hours." Taylor replied. "Then come on." August took Taylor by the hand and tugged her off.


Genevieve walked around her empty home. Evan and Greg left back to New York. L.A. got lonely but most of her work projects were out there, and her friends were all back in New York. She walked outside and sat in one of the lounge chairs. She pulled out her phone, dialed a number, and put the phone up to her ear. She looked up at the gloomy weather and down at the pool as the phone line rang.

"Hello?" A man's voice asked.

Genevieve softly smiled, "Hey dad."

"How are you sweetheart?" He replied. Genevieve faintly smiled, "I've been better. I miss you." She sighed. "Well I haven't gone anywhere." He laughed. "I know. It just gets lonely out here. Evan and Greg came by to visit for the premiere but they had to leave back to New York last night so the house is lonely again." Genevieve replied. "Don't you have other friends besides Evan and Greg?" Nicholas asked. "Most of them are all back in New York." Genevieve replied.

"Well you can always come back and visit your old dad. It's been a while." He replied. Genevieve scoffed and shook her head. "Dad I love you, but I don't know if I want to go back there." Genevieve replied. "Why not? Its been a while. It could give you a chance to get a break from all those shiny people out there." He said. "Shiny people?" Genevieve laughed. "You know the fancy types." He replied.

Genevieve softly smiled, "I miss you, Dad." She said. "So are you coming to visit?" He asked. "As much as I'd like to see you again I can't." She replied. "Why not?" He asked. "I have this upcoming project. I'm still waiting on the details of it but Mason and Taylor wanted me a part of it." She replied. "Wait, Taylor?" He asked. Genevieve realized she said her name without thinking. "Are you talking to Taylor again?' He asked.

"Oh right...I never told you." She said. "What happened? I thought you hated her and swore you never wanted anything to do with her again?" He asked. "I never said I still didn't feel that way." She replied. "Then why are you on a project with her?" He asked. "It's business, dad. She and Mason came to me and wanted me to be part of it and I agreed." She explained. "So are you guys friends or...?" He asked. "No. Not exactly. We're just colleagues." She replied.

"You know I've actually been in contact with her parents since you both went your separate ways. Scott and I still hang out from time to time and even go fishing." He replied. "You go fishing with her dad?" Genevieve questioned. "Yeah, I wasn't too into it at first but he invited me out and its been fun." He replied. "Why didn't you ever tell me this before? Why are you friends with her parents?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't we be allowed to be friends just because it didn't work out between you two? I happen to really like her parents. They ask about you all the time." He said. "They ask about me?" Genevieve questioned. "Surprisingly, yeah. Scott says out of everyone Taylor has dated or been dating, you were his favorite. Andrea says the same." He replied. Genevieve sighed, "Well they were always very nice to me. But why didn't you tell me you were friends with them?" She asked.

"Well I know you don't want to talk about Taylor so I never mentioned being friends with her parents because...they're her parents and I thought you would be upset about it." He explained. "But out of all the people in the world you had to be friends with, it had to be her parents?" She asked. "We became close and got know each other when you two were dating. You don't throw a friendship like that away." He replied. "You sound like Evan." Genevieve replied.

"What did Evan say?" He asked. "Greg works with Taylor from time to time in the studio and Evan's been close with her ever since we started dating. So since they live in New York and Taylor is usually there recording they've just gotten close and stayed friends. But since we're both friends with them, according to Evan, it gets awkward because they just want to have their friends back." Genevieve explained. "Do you want her back?" He asked. "No!" She quickly denied it. "But Evan and Greg want us to be civil. He said something similar about a failed relationship not having to be the end of a friendship, but I disagree. If he only knew the context of it all he would understand my point." She explained.

"Honey, I don't think you ever told me what happened between you both?" Nicholas asked. Genevieve stayed silent. "I mean I know you both split up and you were a complete mess. But you wouldn't even tell me what happened back then." He said. Genevieve nervously tapped her foot. "I can't talk about it." She replied. "Why not?" He asked. Genvieve nervously swallowed and hesitated for a moment. "I have to go, Dad. I'll talk to you soon." She said and hung up the phone.


Genevieve got a break from her busy schedule and checked her phone. There were no messages or missed calls from Taylor. She opened her messages and sent a quick text.

I have some free time right now, what are you up to?

Genevieve waited for a response. Taylor normally messaged back quickly but there was no reply. Genevieve grew worried and dialed her number. She had the phone pressed up to her ear and listened to the rings of the phone line go in and out. There was a sudden beep and she was sent to voicemail. "Hey. I got some free time, I just wanted to check in on you. Call me when you get this...I love you." Genevieve hung up the phone and sighed. "G.G. you coming?" One of her friends asked. "Where to?" Genevieve asked. "We're all going out for pizza. You coming?" She asked. Genevieve hesitated for a moment and stared down at her phone hoping Taylor would have messaged or called by now, but there was nothing. "I'll tag along." Genevieve faintly smiled and tucked her phone away. Her friend smiled. "Come on!" She said grabbing Genevieve by the arm and pulling her along to join the rest of their friends.

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