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"Hey Mason, we need to talk." Taylor said pulling Mason aside. "What's up?" He asked. "We need to talk about Jaxon...Josiah? Whatever his name is, him." Taylor said. "Isn't he great? It's good he and Genevieve are friends. Did you see that chemistry between them?" He smiled. Taylor balled up her fist, "I don't think he's the right fit for this movie." She replied.

Mason's smile dropped, "What?" He asked. "I just don't think he would fit in after all." She replied. She knew he was a talented actor but her bitterness over his close relationship with Genevieve made her uncomfortable. So many thoughts and emotions were running through her head and she was just trying to keep them at bay.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how good this is for us?" Mason asked. Taylor crossed her arms and looked off. "Taylor, he brings in a whole different market overseas. Him being part of this movie is a big deal. Paired with Genevieve and their chemistry? They're going to be electric on screen together." He explained.

Taylor stayed silent. She knew he was right from a business perspective side of things, but on the emotional side of things she wasn't okay with any of it. Mason lightly tapped her arm, "Who knows maybe something bigger may blossom between them." He said as they looked across set at Josiah and Genevieve talking. "It's a win win. They're going to make this movie huge and that publicity will be insane. You really are a mastermind." Mason smirked and walked off.

Taylor frowned and watched Genevieve and Josiah. "I don't feel like one...I feel like I might've just fucked myself over." Taylor mumbled. Taylor watched as Genevieve and Josiah exchanged numbers and hugged before they split ways. Taylor couldn't help herself and quickly followed Genevieve out of the studio building. "Genevieve!" Taylor called out. She caught up with her and grabbed her by the arm.

"Hey." Genevieve glared and pulled her arm away. "You never said you knew him." Taylor replied. "Because I know him as Josiah and not Jaxon." Genevieve replied. "And what exactly was he to you?" Taylor questioned. "What?" Genevieve asked surprised. "Did you two have a thing?" Taylor asked. "No." Genevieve glared. "Did you cheat with him while you were in New York?" She questioned. "You're accusing me of cheating?!" Genevieve glared. "That's fucking rich coming from you."

"Then why the hell were you all over him!" Taylor argued. "What are you talking about we just hugged!" Genevieve argued. "Oh please, everyone could see the way you were all over each other and fucking flirting." Taylor said. Genevieve crossed her arms,"I don't owe you a god damn thing. Why should I have to explain myself to you?"

"Because you knew this asshole during your time in New York and you expect me to believe nothing happened between you two after that fucking performance in there?" Taylor questioned. "Because nothing did!" Genevieve shouted. Taylor got quiet. "I have never. Ever. Fucking cheated on you. Can you say the same?" Genevieve asked. Taylor silently looked away. "I do you the favor of trying to be friendly and agree to do your fucking movie and this is how you treat me? Fuck you." Genevieve glared and walked off. Taylor looked up and watched Genevieve storm off the lot.

Taylor sat in the passenger seat of her car. The cool night breeze hit her face as August drove along the coastal road. "Wooo!" August laughed. Taylor watched the way August's hair flew perfectly behind her. It reminded her of the way Genevieve's hair flowed in the wind on their late night drives. She was thinking of Genevieve's sparkling eyes and bright smile.

August parked on the lookout point that overlooked the entire ocean. Taylor looked out and took in the view. "Thought you might like this place. I like coming up here when I need a little escape from time to time." August said. Taylor looked down at her hands and frowned. August looked at her and placed a comforting hand on hers. "Is something wrong?" August asked.

Taylor looked at her hand and over at August, "Why do you hang out with me?" Taylor asked. "What do you mean?" August asked. "You could go and do anything else or hang out with anyone you wanted. But you choose me, why?" Taylor asked. August thought about it for a moment and softly smiled. "I don't think there's anyone else as cool and interesting as you. So why would I spend my time with anyone else?" She asked.

Taylor felt a fluttering feeling inside of her and wasn't quite sure what to feel. No one had ever said something like that to her. It made her feel good. "You really think so?" Taylor asked. August held her hand and nodded, "I couldn't imagine leaving you to go do anything else." She replied. There was silence between them for a moment. Taylor glanced at their hands and up into August's eyes and admired the way the moonlight made them twinkle.

Taylor leaned in pressed her lips to August's. August was taken by surprise but felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. She slowly eased into Taylor's touch and returned the kiss. Taylor's hands gently gripped her waist as August slowly tangled her hands in Taylor's hair. August slightly pulled her lips inches away, "My parents aren't home." She whispered. Taylor was silent for a moment. "Let's go." She whispered. August softly smiled and started the car back up.

They arrived to her home and made their way inside the empty home and toward August's bedroom. Taylor quickly pressed her back against the bedroom door and locked their lips. They roughly kissed and made their way into the room and back toward her bed. They fell back against the bed. Taylor's body hovered over August's while their lips remained locked. Taylor's hands slowly wandered down and went to unbutton August's jeans. "Wait." August pulled away and quickly stopped Taylor from going further. "What happened?" Taylor asked. "I..."August nervously looked up at Taylor. "I've never done this before." She whispered. Taylor stared at her for a moment. She leaned down and softly kissed August's lips before pulling away. "I'll be gentle." She reassured. August nodded and Taylor pressed her lips back onto hers.

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