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Taylor sat on the beach alone. Watching the sun slowly disappear. "What are you doing here? You're never out in town this late." August asked and sat down next to her. She noticed the sad look in Taylor's eyes and frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Have you ever had that feeling where you feel like someone close to you will find something better and forget all about you?" Taylor asked.

"I'm not sure I follow?" August replied. "Say you have this close friend and you and this friend were inseparable. But then one day this friend finds these new friends and has this new great life without you." Taylor explained. August silently listened. "You think you're the best thing ever to this person but then you get replaced and realize that they can live without you, but it's you that can't live without them. Someone takes your place and the realization that maybe you weren't that important kicks in." Taylor said.

August stood up and held her hand out to Taylor. Taylor looked at her hand and up at her. "Come on." August said. "Where are we going?" Taylor asked. "You can't be sad and alone on the beach like this. Let's go for a drive." August said. Taylor took her hand and got pulled away toward the car.

"So have you been playing nice?" Evan asked. Genevieve had her phone pressed against her ear as she looked out the window. "Yes I've been playing nice." She replied. "How has that been? I hope you aren't mad I told her to go check on you." He said. "A little bit." She replied.

"So are you guys friends now?" He asked. "I think friends is a stretch." She replied. "But you guys have been hanging out and talking haven't you?" He asked. "We talk here and there but I keep it strictly business. I'm only a bitch with valid reason, but I know when to be a professional. So I'm just being a professional and getting along with my director." She said.

Evan softly laughed. "So is that all it is? Business?" He questioned. "You and Greg wanted us to get along and everyone else wants me to get along with her for the sake of business. So yes, it's just business." She replied. "So you don't even see yourself being friends with her again at least?" He asked.

Genevieve sighed, "I can't promise you that we're going to be the best of friends and have family or holiday dinners together. I still don't think I could do that. I swear I'm being as friendly as I can, but I don't want any of you getting the wrong idea about all of this. I think I could be friendly enough to have a civil conversation if we were in casual social settings but as far as 'friends' goes, I wouldn't consider any of this that." She explained.

"I wish things weren't this way." Evan replied. Genevieve stared out the car window, "I wish things would have been different too, but things don't always work out the way we wanted." She said. "You never know." Evan replied. "They don't. That's a lesson I learned the hard way, Evan. Things don't always work out how we expected them too and...that's okay." She said.

"I mean it's true things don't always work out. But things also happen for a reason." Evan replied. Genevieve rolled her eyes. She hated hearing that but it's what everyone always said to cope with unfortunate situations. "I know you hate when I say that, but it's true. Things happen for a reason and maybe things didn't workout the way you thought they would. But things eventually fall into place if you just let the universe do what it needs to." He said.

"Well can the universe stop fucking with my life? I feel god's puppet being played with for sick entertainment." She replied. He softly laughed, "Just let life be." He said. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" She asked. "It means...live your life and don't stress about temporary obstacles. Life does what it needs to do so it can get you to your next destination. You're going to pass through some unpleasant roads, but once you let them pass you're going to get to that beautiful destination you've been driving forever to get to." He reassured. "I suppose." Genevieve sighed.

"I have to get back to rehearsals. Good luck with your first day on set! I love you." He said. "Thank you, Love you too." Genevieve faintly smiled as he hung up the phone.


Genevieve arrived to set and made her way into the studio. She looked around as people moved around assembling a set. Filming wasn't officially starting but Taylor and Mason wanted everyone to meet at the studio today and get familiar with the set and cast. "There's our beautiful star!" Mason shouted from across the set as he and Taylor approached her.

"I arrived." Genevieve faintly smiled. "Late." Taylor replied. "Better late than never...or would you prefer I completely ghost on you?" Genevieve asked. "Good luck buying yourself out of your contract. You would be helping fund this movie if you did." Taylor jokingly replied. "Then I go from leading lady to producer. That's not so bad." Genevieve joked. They both laughed.

Mason smiled as he looked between the two. "It's good to see you two getting along now." He replied. "We've been working on it." Genevieve shrugged. "It's a process." Taylor added. "Well come meet the cast we were just talking to Jaxon, you'll love him." Mason said as he and Taylor led Genevieve off. "Taylor said he was big overseas." She said.

Mason nodded, "Yes! Have you heard of him?" He asked. "No, but his last name is quite unusual I feel like I've heard it before." Genevieve replied. "I met him at the Cannes Film Festival. The people went crazy for him. We talked after and I said if I ever had a film project he would be perfect for I would let him know, so he auditioned for us and we loved him." Mason explained. There was a fairly tall well dressed man with his back turned chatting with some of the set staff.

Their looks alone looked like they were so enamored and impressed with him. "Jaxon! We have someone important for you to meet." Mason called out. Jaxon turned around upon hearing his name called. Genevieve froze.

Jaxon's face looked just as shocked as hers. "Josiah?" She asked unsure if she was seeing things or if it was really seeing her old friend. "G.G.?" He asked as a big smile grew on his lips. "G.G.?" Taylor questioned. It had been forever since she remembered hearing that old nickname.

Genevieve laughed. She ran over and practically jumped into his arms. He laughed and spun her around in a tight embrace. Taylor and Mason looked confused as they watched the two. Josiah set Genevieve back down. She slightly pulled away and held his arms as his hands held her waist. Taylor's face fell as she watched their loving stares.

"I haven't seen or heard from you in years." Genevieve smiled. Josiah smiled, "I can't believe it. I thought I was dreaming." He laughed. "You two know each other?" Mason asked. Genevieve turned to look at him, "We're old friends." She smiled. Josiah nodded, "We went to the same Theater program in New York during the summer." He added.

Taylor stood straight and her eyes slightly widened up upon his mention of their summer program. "New York?" She asked. Josiah nodded. "I was wondering why the name Andros sounded so familiar." Genevieve laughed. "Why did you change your name?" She asked.

"I didn't legally, it's just a stage name." He replied. "Jaxon Andros?" She laughed. "Remember that class we had with Professor Francis? He said sometimes a good stage name is better than your regular one." He replied. "And I remember you mentioned the name Andros when we had to think of stage names. That's why I was so surprised because it's such a rare name." She replied.

Mason smiled as he watched the two get along and reminisce. Taylor stood with her arms crossed and annoyed as the two gushed over one another. "Well it was just a play on words of my last name...and a dash of Greek mythology." He shrugged. "More like geek mythology." Taylor mumbled to herself. Mason heard her side comment and looked confused over her bitter response.

"So Jaxon Andros?" Genevieve questioned. "It had a sexy tone to it. I haven't heard complaints." He shrugged. Genevieve laughed. "Where did you disappear to after New York? We lost touch and I never heard from you again." Genevieve asked. "Well I got accepted to an Art school in Europe and went there for school. I was working on some small indie films there and slowly made my popularity. My manger thought it was time to expand the market. Then lucky enough I met Mason and he and Taylor gave me this opportunity." He explained.

"There's so much we have to catch up on. I need all the details. You have no idea how much fun you just made all of this." She laughed and held his arm as they walked off together. Taylor frowned upon hearing Genevieve's excitement over seeing him again and her interest in catching up with him. Something Taylor had wished Genevieve would would be just as eager to do with her again.

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