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Surprisingly the Band and Theater kids actually remained friendly for a while. The only reason being, their club presidents were too busy with each other to be focused on any stupid feud. Taylor had Genevieve pressed up against the wall of the broom closet in the Auditorium. Their lips attached in a heavy heated make out session.

Genevieve's top was on the floor. Taylor's hand cupped a handful of Genevieve's breast. The sound of Genevieve's alarm going off quickly separated them. "Time to go." She sighed and put her top back on. "Can't we just go for a couple more minutes..." Taylor frowned. This was as far as it ever got between them. Genevieve never let it get any further than an 'innocent' make out session.

She didn't want Taylor to have that kind of power over her. But she enjoyed being the one keeping her on edge. "No." Genevieve replied. "Genevieve we always do this. Why can't we just..." Taylor trailed off. "What?" Genevieve asked, acting clueless to what Taylor clearly wanted.

"Sex, Genevieve. I want to have sex." Taylor glared, her cheeks flushed a light red from the embarrassment of admitting what she wanted. "Too bad." Genevieve smirked and put her bag over her shoulders. "Ms. Clark is going to be here for auditions so you need to go."

Taylor rolled her eyes and grabbed her backpack. "Whatever." She sighed. "Are we still on for tonight?" Taylor asked. "I haven't asked my parents." Genevieve replied. "Then sneak out of the house." Taylor replied. "No." Genevieve refused. "I want to be able to see you outside of sneaking around school, making out in damn broom closets." Taylor argued.

Genevieve walked out of the broom closet. "Sorry to disappoint, but no. I have more important things to do." She replied. "Is that really how you feel?" Taylor asked trying to hide the fact she was hurt by Genevieve's comment. "I have to go." Genevieve sighed and walked off.


"Auditions went great, I think I have the cast all lined up." Genevieve excitedly said as Amanda and Evan walked down the hallway with her. Genevieve looked ahead and saw Taylor leaned against a locker flirting with a one of the cheerleaders. Her smile fell as she watched them from the distance.

Taylor glanced over and locked eyes with Genevieve. Her gaze went back to the cheerleader she was talking to. Genevieve tried to hide her hurt expression as she walked past them.

Her and Taylor weren't exclusive. They just messed around from time to time. But she couldn't deny the fact that seeing Taylor flirt with another girl hurt. She shouldn't be surprised, that's exactly how the band geeks were. They either hopped around with one another, or they just went off to find their next prey.


Genevieve sat in her bed looking over her casting notes and saw her phone light up. She grabbed her phone and saw Taylor was calling. "What." She answered. "Hello to you too? Are you coming?" Taylor asked.

"I never told you yes." Genevieve replied. "Well I'm outside. Come on." Taylor replied. Genevieve hung up and opened her window. It was midnight, her parents would kill her if they caught her going out anywhere. She snuck out through her window to go meet Taylor.

Taylor was waiting outside of the car and looked confused when she saw Genevieve still dressed in her sleepwear. "What are you wearing?" Taylor asked. "My clothes...for sleeping. Because that's what I was about to do." Genevieve replied. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Funny, Genevieve. Go get dressed." Taylor replied. "No. Why don't you go take your little girlfriend?" Genevieve asked with her arms crossed. "What are you talking about?" Taylor asked. "You were clearly flirting with that cheerleader earlier today. Why don't you go take her out?" Genevieve replied.

"Why do you care who I was flirting with?" Taylor questioned. Genevieve turned red, "Fuck you. I knew this was a fucking mistake. You band geeks are all the fucking same." She coldly replied and turned away.

"Genevieve!" Taylor shouted. Genevieve ignored her and continued to walk away. "Fuck you then! I don't need you!" Taylor called out. Taylor angrily got back into her car and drove off.

Taylor started seeing Rachel, the cheerleader Genevieve had seen her flirting with. By "seeing", Taylor was just casually hooking up with her from time to time. She and Genevieve weren't on speaking terms anymore. But that didn't mean Taylor still didn't try to talk to her or at least get Genevieve to talk to her.

Genevieve decided to forget about her and focus on her play. That was all that mattered to her. It was a big deal for her, she would finally get to direct it and that's all she wanted to focus on. Making the show perfect.

Genevieve leaned against her locker and looked through her script notes. Taylor approached and snatched the script out of her hand. Genevieve glared, "Give it back." She said trying to take it out of Taylor's hand. Taylor pulled it away and read it. "Hamlet? Of course you nerds would decide to put on a play as lame as you are." She tossed the script to the floor.

Genevieve took a deep breath, choosing not to engage and picked up the script. She shut her locker, put her bag over her shoulder, and walked away. Taylor watched her walk away. She seemed surprised that Genevieve didn't argue with her like she typically did. It was unlike her.

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