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  Chapter 221 The search craze
  After Xubai posted the information of the five of them on the forum, a search craze started.

  Everyone has posted on the forum the people they need to find. Everyone is thinking that if someone is somewhere or knows their relatives and friends, let them know and wait for us to meet in Dawn City next year.

  Ever since they learned about the current situation outside, Ye Hong and others followed Xu Bai and Ji Heng and worked hard.

  For several days, they had not met Tong Yangnian and others, as if the flood had scattered them to different corners.

  If Ji Heng hadn't tied her together earlier, maybe the two of them would have been unable to find each other like Tong Yangnian and others.


  When Tong Yangnian woke up, he found that he was shirtless, with no clothes on. He was covered with a sheet that had turned yellow and had a slight smell. All around him was a tent-like cloth shed, with edges and corners. It was filled with all kinds of messy little things.

  "Where is this?"

  Tong Yangnian got up wrapped in a sheet, but the roof of the shed was not high enough for him, so he could only half-bend down. Just as he was about to lift the tarp, someone rushed in.

  Tong Yangnian subconsciously wanted to attack, but he stopped his hand in time to avoid hurting anyone.

  The old man who came in was still shocked by him.

  "Are you awake? You are so young. You are lucky. I met your old man and I even dried your clothes. But the old man stared at you for a long time so that no one would take your clothes away. ."

  The old man threw the clothes he was wearing back to Tong Yangnian. It was still warm when he touched it. Tong Yangnian was very grateful and was about to change his clothes when he saw the old man staring at him.

  Tong Yangnian: "..."

  "What's there to be ashamed of? I saw it when I took off your clothes."

  The old man sneered, showing great disdain, and turned around and walked out in disgust.

  Seeing him leaving, Tong Yangnian immediately changed his clothes, packed the sheets and put them on the pillow before walking out.

  Only then did he realize that the surrounding areas were set up with tents.

  Everyone lives in tents, and some people are crowded into one tent. It is rare for someone like the old man to live alone.

  "Old man, thank you for saving me. I would like to ask where you rescued me from. Is there anything else around? I was separated from other team members." The old man did not respond to his words. On the contrary

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