Chp 42

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  Chapter 42 At such a young age, Qiu Yiyi and her sister were very evil-minded. They were left-behind children and lived with their grandma since childhood. Her grandma passed away a year or two ago, leaving only a few thousand yuan for Qiu Yiyi, while her parents in other   places I have stopped giving living expenses to the two sisters for a long time.

  Qiu Yiyi, who was in college, had to take out student loans and work-study to support herself and her younger sister, who was still in high school.

  When the apocalypse came, she happened to come back from work to see her sister, but she didn't expect that things had changed outside.

  The two of them hid in the house, and also hid under the bed boards at night, for fear that monsters would break in.

  They usually only come out from under the bed when they need to eat or go to the bathroom.

  They hid like this for many days, until they ran out of food at home and were so hungry that Qiao Yiyi thought of sneaking away from home to the vegetable field not far away to see if she could pick up anything to eat.

  But as soon as she got out, her sky fell.

  She was targeted by the village bullies and has lived a life of hostage ever since. They kidnapped her sister and only allowed her to stay in this house alone.

  Whenever someone comes to the village, she will find a way to make them unconscious.

  The women stayed, and so did the men with powers. If they didn't have powers, they robbed everything they had on them, but after the robbery, she didn't know where the men without powers went.

  Those with special powers, both men and women, had their legs chopped off and were tied to chairs all day long. They were often fed some medicine to make sure they were drowsy and able to work for them.

  And she is like a bus. When those people want to vent, they come here to vent.

  Only by being obedient like this can she protect her sister from being abused by that group of people.

  After listening to Qiao Yiyi's story, Xu Bai looked at her like a fool.

  It was really hard for her to imagine that there were such stupid people these days.

  How can a group of bastards who can bully others wantonly watch a sixteen-year-old sister do nothing?
  They don't believe it.

  Not only Xu Bai was speechless, Shi's father couldn't stand it anymore, "Have you seen your sister after they were caught by them?" "Yes, my sister

  was in a very bad life. She was tied to a chair and couldn't even sleep. I didn't sleep well, and there are still marks on my body from being whipped by them. As long as I knock out the people who come here, they will let me see my sister once." Whipping

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