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  Chapter 60 Transaction
  As soon as he took one more step forward, the small white ball ran towards him. Fortunately, Xu Bai dodged in time, but the backpack on his shoulder was still scratched, and most of the shoulder straps were torn.

  "It was just a mutant rabbit."

  After looking at the claw marks and the figure of the white ball, Xu Bai said calmly while recalling the characteristics of the mutant rabbit in his previous life.

  "This thing is very fast. Please pay attention to safety. If you are injured, you will not turn into a zombie. But if the mutant rabbit accidentally catches a zombie, it will be hard to say." "They should regard us as


  Mutant Rabbit They are no longer docile than the rabbits before. On the contrary, they have become violent, and even their front teeth are twice as big as before.

  As soon as they finished speaking, several mutant rabbits rushed toward them.

  In the past, when I saw rabbits being so cute, I couldn’t do anything to them, but now, thinking they are cute is like killing them!

  After Shi Qinghe hesitated, he was caught on the back of his hand. A deep scratch was made on the back of his hand, and blood flowed down, accompanied by burning pain.

  Ji Heng was next to Shi Qinghe and caught a glimpse of this scene. He quickly approached and took out gauze from his backpack and threw it to him. Qin Tian, ​​who was nearby, also came over to help cover him.

  Taking the gauze, Shi Qinghe hurriedly bandaged the injured hand with gauze.

  Fortunately, it was only his left hand that was injured, and he also had supernatural powers, so the impact was not big.

  Shi Qinghe and Ji Heng cooperated, Qin Tian and Lin Dui, and Xu Bai was alone as always, holding a long knife not far away from them.

  Xu Bai had just killed two or three mutant rabbits when one of them was fatter and not as fast as the other mutant rabbits. It jumped over slowly and took advantage of Xu Bai's turn to defend and kill the other mutant rabbits. He picked it up and pounced on it, opening his mouth to take a bite.

  But when he retracted the long knife like a sword, the mutated rabbit bumped into the blade.

  This long knife is a treasure collected from a weapons shop, and its quality is naturally several times better than the long knives sold in ordinary shops on the street.

  The blade of the long knife did not show any scratches or damage, but one of the mutant rabbit's front teeth fell off.

  Xu Bai: "..."

  Looking at the mutated rabbit sitting on the ground with its head raised and its mouth wide open, with tearful eyes, Xu Bai picked up its ears.

  The mutant rabbit only realized its situation after it was discovered that it had been picked up. It waved its limbs wildly, trying to catch Xu Bai with its claws.

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