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  Chapter 201 Learned about Xu Bai's physical condition.
  "Do you admit that you are back?" Bai Louyue's eyes lit up and he looked at Xu Bai, but Xu Bai was determined to kill him.

  Bailouyue felt happy and painful.

  "I can explain it."

  Bai Louyue's strength is not bad, but he habitually brings several bodyguards to protect him, so that he is a weakling in front of Xu Bai, who is not very energetic and physically strong.

  When Xu Bai pushed him towards the zombies, the zombies bit at his limbs. Before he could recover, he was stabbed by Xu Bai again. He went back and forth two or three times. The blood stimulated the surrounding zombies and they swarmed forward.

  With his breath weak, he recalled the time in his previous life when he left Xu Bai behind. Xu Bai's expression was shocked and unimaginably painful.

  He also felt it.

  He deserves to die...

  but he wants to know more about Ji Heng's virtue and ability?

  Bai Louyue looked in Ji Heng's direction, full of jealousy.


  seems to have tidied up Hua Xuan's appearance.

  Ji Heng finally stood up and killed the remaining hundreds of zombies one by one.

  Zombie wave, complete victory!

  At the remaining checkpoint gates of Dawn City, the people leading the team saw the zombies starting to retreat, and the number was gradually decreasing, so they chased them and killed them one by one.

  Leaving the team members to clean up the battlefield, Shi Qinghe rushed to the main city gate.

  As soon as they arrived, they saw Xu Bai, Ji Heng, and Shi Miaozheng standing in a row with serious expressions, staring at the burned corpses in front of them.

  Shi Qinghe's heart skipped a beat as he didn't see Hua Xuan... It

  was obvious who the burning corpse was.

  He quietly stood aside in silence.

  After the fire burned, Xu Bai gave Ji Heng a jar. Ji Heng held the jar, as if he didn't feel the heat, and picked up the ashes one by one and put them into the jar.

  After the zombie wave has passed, the most difficult thing is to clean up the remaining battlefield.

  Xu Bai directed everyone and followed them to clean up, gathering all the zombie corpses together. When they found out that they were their own residents, they put them on the other side and registered their names.

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