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  Chapter 96: Beat me up

  . At everyone's request, Ji Yang could only walk to the car window and shouted: "It's me, please drive the car away." "

  This voice sounds familiar, Ah Heng remembers it. " "?" Shi Qinghe had just walked to the campsite car and was about to move the car away and clean up the zombie crystal cores that were pressed under the car, when he heard the shouting from inside the bus. He was about to listen carefully but there was no sound again. Before He got on the bus, he kept looking at the bus.

  "Look, I didn't lie. Didn't this move the car away?"

  As soon as Shi Qinghe drove away the camp car, the people on the bus rushed out of the car and started digging up the zombie crystal cores.

  Shi Qinghe and others: "..."

  "It seems that everyone knows what they are doing. Hand it over." Shi Qinghe walked up to the person who had collected the most crystal cores, stretched out his hand, and held an iron rod in one hand. There was still a lot of dirty blood on the tip of the iron rod. They had just seen him in the car, using this iron rod to poke the zombie's head open, and after stirring it up, he dug out the crystal core, and there was a drop of dirty blood. Drops of water fell to the ground, and my heart trembled when I saw the iron rod.

  "Hand... what to hand over?"

  Shi Qinghe looked at the crystal core in his arms, "This."

  "We got this by our own ability. Why should we hand it over to you? You couldn't even get it just now." Less, this is just a small change to you."

  The person who spoke was Liu Yihuan. He was in his twenties. He usually followed the team to pick up crystal cores. He moved very fast. Even if he was weak, everyone was happy to do so. Bring such a support staff.

  In Liu Yihuan's view, the things picked up on the ground belong to them, so there is no reason to return them.

  This is what everyone did before.

  Where do people come from who don't know the rules so well.

  Liu Yihuan muttered a few words of complaint and gave Shi Qinghe a few glances. Just when he was about to turn around to look for the captain, he was pulled back. As soon as he was pulled over, he was punched in the stomach and fell into the arms. All the crystal nuclei in it fell to the ground,
  "You, you, you..." Liu Yihuan clutched her stomach in pain and broke out in cold sweat, trembling even as she spoke.

  "What are you doing? You're not the first person who wants to snatch something from me. It's not easy for those people." Shi Qinghe patted his face, pushed him to the ground, and looked at him contemptuously. "According to what you just said, what else would a person like me who doesn't understand the rules do?"

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