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  Chapter 34: Beating, money-burning stuff
  After all the people were registered, the number of residents in Xubai also changed.

  From the original 53 to the current 358 people.

  Every 50 people can draw a lottery once. She added 300 new people and can now draw six times. Xu Bai directly clicked on the six draws in a row.

  The pointer was spinning rapidly on the lottery board.

  Only then did Xu Bai notice that the items on the lottery board had been updated, and they were much more practical than the previous lottery products.

  It can even be said that these are some of the things she is most in need of right now, such as shared apartments, apartment buildings, and ordinary high-rise buildings. The
  six-reel lottery seems to increase the chance of getting good things.

  She got toilet paper, a feed factory, a jam factory, a shared apartment, a hospital, and ordinary high-rise buildings.

  Seeing the hospital, Xu Bai's eyes lit up and he was happy. With the hospital, and recruiting more doctors, the casualties of many people could be reduced.

  She quickly clicked on the renderings, only to find that she could not support the expenses of the entire hospital. Even if it was built, she would still need to pay 100 million energy points to open the hospital, and it would also cost 100 million to rent the hospital's instruments every day.

  Burn money!

  An absolute waste of money!
  But the equipment inside was complete, and she, as an outsider, knew that the money was well spent.

  Xu Bai looked at her debt situation. She still owed the system 8,000 energy points. When the hospital opened, she might not even be able to get out of bed and would lie sick all day long.

  Xu Bai built the hospital at the junction of the residential area and the commercial area. As soon as it was built, he saw a one-month countdown to the construction.

  This is the longest construction period of any of these buildings.

  After the feed factory, jam factory, shared apartment, and ordinary high-rise buildings were built, Xu Bai went to wash up and rest.

  Lieutenant Lin, who was lying on the floor, did not fall asleep, although he also felt very tired. Just as he was about to get up, he heard one after another loud noises.

  The other people who had fallen asleep also stood up and looked at each other in horror.

  "What happened?"

  "Could there be another wave of zombies coming?" "


  There are eight classrooms on the upper and lower floors. Each of their teams is divided into thirty-seven and about thirty-eight people. After checking into a room, they moved the ten bunk beds together and agreed to change them once a week. Each person would sleep on a floor bunk bed once a week.

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