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  Chapter 31 Qin Tian in this Life
  After Xu Bai turned off the system data, he came back to his senses and saw Captain Lin's nervous expression.

  "There is enough food. As long as you are not a lazy person, you can live very well in our city. It's just that the place where you live may need to be crowded. There are so many people and there are not enough beds." After hearing this, Captain Lin was relieved

  . In one breath: "There are not enough beds. Let's make beds on the floor. It's not a big problem." "

  Then let's make an agreement. When we retreat tomorrow, we will go directly to your side."

  "Comrade Xu Bai, on behalf of everyone, thank you very much. Save our lives."

  Captain Lin stood up and saluted Xu Bai gratefully.

  Xu Bai knew that Captain Lin was not only referring to taking them in to live in the base, but also thanked Xu Bai for coming from the base and killing countless zombies, so that there were so many of them alive.

  Team Lin knew very well that if Xu Bai had not been there at night, their number of survivors would be far less than what they have now.

  Xu Bai didn't say much. He only said, "I am also from the flower-growing country." Then he looked at Qin Tian.

  She has no intentions and is not that great. She has her own city and her own residents to protect. She will rush over to the military base only after she is sure that zombies will not enter Dawn City in a short time.

  In his previous life, Qin Tian often reminded her of the tragedy of this day, which he regretted very much.

  But in this life, they were not completely wiped out. He also lost a lot of comrades. But Xu Bai tried his best. She has no powers. Now she is just a heartless person with better fighting ability than ordinary people. No. Just ordinary people noticed by zombies.

  Qin Tian was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed, a lot of cold sweat falling from his forehead. He hugged his arms tightly and slowly curled up into a ball, his whole body trembling.

  The basement was already crowded. After Qin Tian fell to the ground, the people around him were startled by him and hurriedly moved away.

  "Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

  The people on the side were about to step forward and help Qin Tian up, but Qin Tian was already rolling on the ground in pain.

  "What's going on?"

  Captain Lin was originally discussing with everyone about going to Shuguang City when he heard Qin Tian's rough breathing and painful voice, accompanied by other people's talking and worried voices, making it very noisy. .

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