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  Chapter 191 They are coming.
  The brakes made a loud noise.

  Even Xu Baijiheng, who was standing on the high platform, could hear it.

  I glanced over and saw the car rolling over, all four wheels in the air.

  Two women and a man climbed out of the car window.

  "Ji Heng, they are here!"

  At the gate of the city, Shi Miaozheng, Hua Xuan, and Chu's father slapped themselves awkwardly and arranged their clothes.

  "Come on, let's go downstairs quickly."

  You Xubai led the way in person. Shi Miaozheng and the others came in quickly, but they only entered Shuguang City after observing in the observation room for two hours.

  When Chu Liaoming received the news that Chu's father was here, he was so happy that he jumped up. When they gathered in Xu Bai's office and saw Chu's father, Chu Liaoming couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Chu's father. Stop, tears streaming down your face.

  "Dad, your face is normal. Dad, I miss you so much. Why did it take you so long to get to Shuguang City?" "

  Don't cry..."

  Chu Liaoming and others looked at Chu's father in surprise, knowing that he had He can't even speak, and when he opens his mouth, he speaks zombie language that is incomprehensible.

  "He can speak simply and slowly, and the same goes for Aunt Hua." Shi Miaozheng glanced at him and said.

  When he saw Shi's father and mother walking into the office, there was no change in his face. Shi Miaozheng, who still had a cold look on his face, was also a little excited. He stood up and ran towards them, opening his hands to The two old men hugged each other.

  "Xiao Zheng'er, my little Zheng'er..."

  Shi's mother wiped away tears and stroked Shi Miaozheng's face with trembling hands. When she caught a glimpse of Hua Xuan standing not far behind, she was stunned and patted herself. After feeling pain in my thigh, I realized that I was not dreaming.

  "Sister Hua, Sister Hua, you are still there, still..."

  Shi's father and mother were called over by Shi Qinghe. They talked about Shi Miaozheng. They didn't have time to hear anything else, and their minds went blank. She only knew that she had to rush over to Xu Bai's office to see her daughter. She didn't even notice what Shi Qinghe said about Hua Xuan. When she saw Hua Xuan, Shi's mother became even more excited. She also shed a lot of tears and was almost panting from crying. Don't get angry.

  Shi's father was also excited. He patted Shi's mother on the back with red eyes, hugged Shi Miaozheng with one arm, and muttered: "I've lost weight." "I'm here." After calming down,

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