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  Chapter 29 Rescue, I don’t want my brother to have any regrets.
  Xu Bai didn’t know that her residents had made up a lot of things because of her actions. After she quickly eliminated the group of zombies, she hurried to the military base.

  Wherever they passed, the zombies did not notice Xu Bai's presence.

  However, the sound of the moving vehicles attracted scattered zombies to follow behind, and it looked like they were being chased by zombies.

  What Xu Bai didn't notice was that in a certain building, someone was staring at the back of the car as she left. Could the figure flashing past on the street be her?

  Outside the military base, there were a lot of zombies piled up, twice as many as outside Dawn City. Some zombies had even climbed up their walls.

  Xu Bai frowned, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, knocked away the surrounding zombies, and then drove back and forth.

  Inside the military base.

  Everyone hurriedly picked up the wooden barn and got on the campervan individually. They were always ready to drive over and crush these zombies to death as soon as the wall door was broken!

  In the tide of zombies, driving a car into someone's car is undoubtedly asking for death. The car can overturn and the zombies can break the window and kill them.

  It can be said that people who get on the campervan leave their own life and death behind.

  But what did they see this time?
  There was actually someone driving a car outside, crushing me back and forth.

  "Brothers, hold on a little longer. Someone is out there to save us, and we will win!"

  One of the people in the crowd spoke loudly, his voice hoarse, but at the same time his hands were not idle. The wooden warehouse he was holding kept sweeping away the zombies that were climbing up. Once the bullets were gone, another soldier would immediately take over. , the other person stepped back a few steps to replace the bullet, alternating back and forth.

  The military base had been prepared for the emergence of the zombie wave a few days ago, and had arranged deployments and strengthened training in advance. This allowed them to be in an orderly manner and not panic when the zombie wave arrived.

  Even so, he was still shocked by so many zombies in front of him.

  When a zombie wearing camouflage clothing appeared among the zombies, everyone's defenses were finally broken!
  When the end of the world came, they were burdened with responsibility and failed to return home in time to find their families, so they did not cry.

  After the apocalypse, they went on a mission, and everyone around them was seriously injured, and they parted ways without crying.

  But at this moment, they are holding on to this last homeland that belongs to them, but the number of enemies is too huge, and they still can't hold it!
  Tears streamed down his face.

I will build a city in the last daysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora