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  Chapter 81 Break through yourself!

  After the long-armed zombie died, it fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

  The loud noise attracted the attention of the zombies in the building, and the locked door was being banged loudly.

  They watched with their own eyes as the door cracked little by little. Finally, an earth element power from the Bright Team broke out. On a whim, he formed an earth wall to block the door.

  But this was his first attempt, and cracks soon appeared in the earthen wall.

  They began to see the zombies' hands. Wherever they were cracked, the earth-type powers quickly repaired them...

  This short time was enough for Xu Bai to collect a lot of materials, but it had already reached this point. How could she? Not enough storage space and giving up more than half of your stuff?
  not worth it!

  At that moment, he spent a huge sum of money to buy a 50-square-meter space pool, expanding the portable space that was originally only 10 square meters to 60 square meters.

  Sixty square meters is not very big, and there are no shelves. Ten square meters are already full of things, and fifty square meters is still an empty space. After she puts the things into the space, she can stack the materials closely according to her thoughts. Don't waste any space.

  Xu Bai is still collecting.

  But the earth-type superpower finally couldn't hold on any longer and passed out due to exhaustion.

  Mingliang dragged the person back. The person was not dead yet, but it was because he bought them more time that he overdrawn his power and passed out. They would not give up the lives of the team members.

  This is not Huang Qiqiu who harmed them!

  When the zombies invaded the warehouse, Ji Heng took the lead and chopped down many zombies in a few strokes.

  As a large warehouse that stores many products, the windows are all surrounded by iron bars. The distance between the iron bars is no more than the size of a fist. There is a layer of glass inside, leaving only a fist-sized space for air circulation. It is so big No matter how skinny you are, no one can get through.

  There are more and more zombies coming this way in the building. If they want to get out, they can only exit by killing all the zombies.

  Xu Bai has collected all the materials!
  With Xu Bai, the zombies can be eliminated faster.

  At this moment, a gust of wind came, and the wind kept circling from outside to inside, forming a very small tornado, and the vortex became bigger and bigger.

  They all saw a lot of zombies being sucked into the small tornado, and they all avoided the small tornado.

  If you get involved, you may have a close encounter with zombies, and everyone will happily spin around in circles together.

  Xu Bai made a very risky decision.

  The little powder ball was thrown in front of the tornado and turned into a huge peach blossom tree, with many peach blossom petals floating down.

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