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  Chapter 63 I finally found you

  . It rained all day long.

  Xu Bai and the others never got out of the car unless necessary. Those with powers were practicing their powers, while those without powers closed their eyes and rested.

  "Damn, the water is seeping in. When will this rain stop?" Shi Qinghe has water power. He has filled all the bottles that can be stored with water, and most of them are spent in sleep. Yes, as soon as I woke up and looked out the car window, I saw water stains on the ground starting to seep in, which frightened Shi Qinghe, who was originally groggy, and immediately became energetic.

  After about half an hour or so, the water on the ground had accumulated.

  Several people who were not irritable at first began to become irritable when they saw this scene. Everything unknown would make people anxious. They didn't know whether they would be trapped here, whether they would be submerged in the water, or whether they would be flooded. How are the friends and relatives in Dawn City?

  "Jingxin, it will be more dangerous for us to go out now." Ji Heng saw that they were all restless and spoke.

  "We know, but we are still worried about the people in Shuguang City."

  "It is useless to think too much. We will go back as soon as we can find something early."

  When she came, Xu Bai told them that she came to Zheyuan Mountain to look for something. What, didn't tell them.

  There was not much point in waiting for the water to dissipate and they rushed back to Dawn City. It would be better to find something before leaving, but only within five days. If they did not find it within five days, they would have to return the other way.

  Xu Bai had no objection to their discussion and expressed support.

  Xubai, who started to close her eyes to rest, was thinking about how she spent this day in her previous life. She remembered that she was looking for food outside the base, and hid in a ruined building when it rained on the way. She was shivering and hungry for two days. When I returned to the base three days later, I was still ostracized.

  Comparing it now, two lives are really on different paths.

  Xu Bai chuckled lightly.

  Xu Bai, who usually had no emotions in the past, suddenly let out a chuckle. Shi Qinghe and others were stunned for a while, thinking that Xu Bai was unhappy that they were leaving early.

  Just when they were about to ask, Xu Bai spoke again, "Wait for a while, the rain will stop and the water will disperse." After waiting, the next day, the rain

  finally stopped, but the water in the office area It's probably around the calf, and if you're not careful, water will seep in through the cracks in the car door.

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