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  Chapter 68 A Blessing in Disguise
  When Xu Bai and his party entered Shuguang City after passing the observation period, they were warmly welcomed by Shi's father and others.

  Shi's mother had already fallen asleep. When she heard the noise outside, she thought it was someone mutating into a zombie again. She woke up, took the big knife on the bedside table, walked out of the hall cautiously, and took the telescope from the balcony later, and saw On the street were Xu Bai, Ji Heng, Shi Qinghe, Qin Tian, ​​Lin Dui, and the residents surrounding them.

  Shi's mother was so happy that she ran downstairs quickly, but she didn't forget to take the big knife in her hand.

  The moment he saw Shi Qinghe and Ji Heng, he hugged them tightly: "It'll be good to come back. It'll be good to come back. Mom is afraid that something happened to you outside. Even..." There was no one to collect the bodies. Before Shi's mother could finish her words, she realized she had to take a few sips, took a few steps back, wiped her tears, looked at them, and muttered: "I've lost weight..." "

  Mom, why are you still holding it? Give me the knife, don't hurt yourself."

  "Sister City Lord, go see my dad quickly. Dad is dying." When Jiao Yangyang heard the news that they were back, he immediately ran over and cried to Xu Bai said that

  for Jiao Yangyang, Xu Bai was a great benefactor who saved their father and son and allowed them to live a stable life. Compared with other neighbors, uncles and aunts who treated him well, he treated Xu Bai with respect. The reliance in the bottom of my heart, seeing her, made me feel a lot more at ease.

  "Jiao Nanmu?"

  Regarding his assistant secretary, Xu Bai couldn't sit still after hearing this news, and immediately followed Jiao Yangyang to the office.

  Ever since it rained that day, Jiao Nanmu has been tied up in the lobby of the office.

  Logically speaking, after spending that day, he should be untied, but Jiao Nanmu wouldn't let him. He felt that he was very uncomfortable. He was very cold and his body temperature was also very low. He didn't look like a human being. With a normal body temperature, he didn't dare to let anyone untie him. Just because he hadn't turned into a zombie just yet didn't mean that he wouldn't turn into a zombie in an hour or two, or in a day or two.

  Xu Bai saw Jiao Nanmu again. He and his chair fell to the ground. He was still covered with a few quilts, but his whole body was trembling.

  "Sister City Lord, Dad has been like this for a day or two."

  After entering Shuguang City, Xu Bai heard that many residents turned into zombies after the black rain.

  The gate outside Dawn City can prevent zombies from entering, but it cannot prevent zombies from mutating from within.

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