Ellas 25th

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Geogias pov
Today is my baby girls 25th. I've got us the day of training and steph helped me decorate the living room with balloons, she's a diamond and I think she likes us. Ella wakes up, I kiss her and say " happy birthday baby, I know you're family aren't here but that doesn't mean we're not celebrating there coming this weekend qnd less is taking yo7 out when we're next in London ". Ella kisses me and says " thank you so much babe you really are the best girlfriend ever and don't ever say you're not because you don't want to make me angry do you". I kiss her and say " of course not , not on your birthday babe". There's a suprise for you waiting outside. She goes out and sees less and lotte she hugs both of them . They booked a hotel for the few nights there here. She hugs Steph and looks at me and says " come here Stanway". I walk over to her and she kisses me. Lorre and less have taken Steph out for a few hours I order Ella to get back into bed. I get the card and pressents I got her and go back in to see her in her underwear.

Ella's pov
G looks at me a,d I say " what, you told me to get back into bed". Shea laughs and says " okay babe, not the full way we don't have time but we will soon I promise". She gets under the covers and kisses me I kiss back ad we make out. She gives me the card ( Ella Anne toone, happy birthday, there aren't enough words to describe how incredible you are and how much I love you, you are my hero, my external flame,my everything and I'm so proud to be your girlfirend love your g". I kiss her and say " thank you so much babe". She gives me the pressents ( perfume,clothes,shoes, makeup, jewellery and lots of other things ). We shower and get dressed and then meet less, lotte and Steph and go bowling suprisingly I win. Later we're playing games and I challenge Steph to a game of fifa. She absolutely thrashes me, evreyone finds it hilarious. Goeogia looks at me and says " come on we will only be a few minuits". She takes me into my room and shuts the door she kisses me and I kiss back and pick her up, we're only in there for five minuites but we get a lot done.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now