First game / a special reward

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Ella's pov
I wake up on the day of the first game, felling so nervous, I'm in Georgias bed, yes we share a bed now, I try getting out the bed but g pulls me back down and says " you're not going anywhere, toone until you listen to what I have to say ". I nod " she says " Ella toone you are the most amazing person I've ever met, you're an inspiration to so many young girls and boys, I know you're nervous about today but you'll be fine, you'll have me with you in midfield, I'll make sure to keep you happy, and if you score you might even get a reward". I'm ready to play now because of g, I kiss her she kisses back, I get on top of her, and put my hands under her top, she smiles and I start kissing her abs. We get showered and dressed, have breakfast and then get on  the bus. I sit next to g, she takes a selfie of us, less, lotte,Ellie and Niamh. I'm starting in my first World Cup game, my family are going to watch, g holds my hand and whispers  "I'm so proud of you tonney".

Geogias pov
Starting x1
Wuben moy

We're in the tunnel, about to kick off, I'm felling quite nervous, Ella holds my hand and says " if you score remember there's a reward",I definitely want to score now, she acts so innocent but she isint around me anayway and I love this side of her. WE kick off, and put pressure on Haiti straight away , but I think we underestimated them and how good they'll be. I score a penalty and Ella scores a goal. We win 2-0, I'm happy to score but we cd have been better, my family aren't here, I see Ella's mum waving me over, I go over and hug her familly, less hugs them and so do lotte and Niamh, Ella joins us and we have a fan take a photo of all of us. We're back in the hotel, I get pulled into the massage room and see Ella, I smile and say " so we both get rewarded, but with what". Ella bites her lip and says " I think a kiss and makout is due". She kisses me, I kiss back, she picks me up and puts le on the massage chair, she gets on-top of me and we makeout and also give each-other massages.

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