Going public with their relationship

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Geogias pov
Today me and Ella are going public with our relationship, I'm a bit nervous, we both came out on social media and still get homophobic comments and messages. It makes me sick that there are still people that believe two woman shouldn't be together. I make my post, the pictures I've used are of us kissing or just being cute. Ella gets into my bed, snugness into me and I kiss her head and say " I know it takes me a while to express my emotions, but I love you so much and I've decided I'm making my post first". She looks at me and says "babe if you're sure and it's what you want then I'm not going to stop you, I'm so proud of how far you've come, from coming out before the tournament to asking me to be your girlfriend and making your post first, I know how much of a big deal that is for you". I kiss her and say " hey they are big steps but you're with it". I caption the post " as you know by know I'm a lesbian and now it's time to introduce you to my girlfriend Ella toone, we've been official for a few weeks, please respect our privacy and Ella if you see this I love you so much baby, you're my world, without you I feel incomplete xxxxxxx G".

Ella's pov
I see Geogia's post and my heart melts, I kiss her and say " babe it's perfect, just not as perfect as you". She kisses me and says " babe I meant everything I writ, ( she takes my hand in hers ) I couldn't love you anymore if i tried, you are my everything, I know it took me long enough to realise it but thank you for being so patient". I make my post with some different picture and some of them are the same I caption it " so what homophobes I have a girlfriend and her name is Georgia Stanway,she is  the most beutiful, inspiring, amazing, talented, loving,caring and selfless person I've ever met. I love you so much g, you're my evreything and if you ever doubt it just look at this post and I'll,reminded you you evrey single day, els xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". She cries when she sees the post, I pull her onto my lap, and kiss her, she kisses back, I dry her tears and she says " thank you so much baby, you're amazing, I've never loved anyone the way I love you".

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ