Olympics quater final

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Ella's pov
Today we're playing Columbia in the quarter final, the winner plays france in the semi. Serena has promised me and g that we will start today as the Scottish players have all done their bit but she wants to give us a chance. I'm glad we're both playing as it mea,s she believes in both of us. I hear a knock on the door . I carefully get out of bed and answer the door to see Serena she says " oh sorry I just thought I'd let you know, you have both earned your spots today, you have been crucial to England and your club teals over the last decade and I'm so proud of the people you have become". I hug Serena and thank her. That's what makes her the best coach in the womens game, she really cares about the players. G wakes up and says " oi toone back in bed and that's an order". I like when she's demanding, it makes her even sexier. I get back into bed and she kisses me I kiss back and we makout for half an hour. We shower together and put our team gb kit on. We go down to breakfast and less looks at us and says " you must be pleased, starting for the first time innthe tournament ".

Geogias pov
I look at Ella and she laughs and says " oh yeah sorry bab I forgot to mention that". I look at her and say " it's okay babe, come here I'm,so proud of you". She gets into my arms and I kiss her head.

Starting x1
Wiliamson (c)
Wuben moy
Le tisier

We kick off and put pressure on Columbia straight away. They're being incredibly unsportsmanlike about us saying we're finding ways to cheat. We go in at half time wining 5-0. Serena says " girls I know it's hard but I'm so impressed with you all for ing or ing there snide comments, I'm not impressed with the way their going about this at all and I will not tolerate behaviour like it".  We go out in the secound half and it's the sam as the first half it's such a shame there a great side but they've really let themselves down today.  We win 10- 0 both me and ells scored two goals and less scored a hatrick, ella kisses me and says "that was hard". I say " you're telling me, it was ridiculous how unfair they were being ".

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now