"Always have babe. You just didn't know I'm a cowgirl at heart under all this Bronx in me." I said to Ben and laughed.

"Alright. So if I take you dancing in Georgia, will you go?" Ben asked.

"Yes. I'd love to." I smiled and continued to get ready. I finished doing my makeup and straightened my hair.

"Alright, bet. It's a date then." Ben chuckled softly.

"Alright." I smiled and continued to straighten my hair. I finished getting ready by 6:50. The kids barely finished getting ready and Violet took them to Starbucks then to school. Ben and I left with the girls to the school.

We went to go talk to the school advisor and go is in charge of the admissions department.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Affleck, how can I help you?" Sandra, the school admissions director said.

"My husband and I are going to be moving back to Georgia this month around the 23rd. And we wanted to see if we can get a transfer to take to the kids new school." I said to Sandra as I slid over the folder of all the copies of the kids transfer papers for their new school.

Sandra nodded softly. "Alright, let's take a look" she said as she looked at the transcripts and the transfer papers.

"I would just like to discuss their grades... I'll start with Samuel first... Samual is undoubtedly a remarkable child, his grades are superb and he's ranked 5 out of 100 in his class. He has all A's since he's been at this school. I am sure he will carry that onto his new school. Now Seraphine. Seraphine has been doing great in school. She has started off rocky but has been picking it up with getting B's. I am beyond proud of her. She's doing great, as long as she continues to work hard, she'll get all A's. Emme and Max have been doing great. Their grades haven't changed at all since they started-" sandra was speaking before Ben interrupted her to correct her. "Cypher, you mean?"  Ben stated.

"Cypher..?" Sandra said confused.

"That's my child's name. Last year, I came here to update my child's name, it's not Emme, it's Cypher." Ben said.

"Right.. I apologize.. well, I was saying that Cypher and Max have been doing great. They've always had A's throughout their whole school career. As I must mention, Cypher has been placed in their Junior Year classes since they were able to move up. Cypher tested out of our Junior classes. I will be making note of that on their transcript so that the new school will make sure that Cypher is in Junior classes instead of Sophomore classes." Sandra stated.

"Wow, she really is my kid." Ben said and looked at me smiling wide.

I smiled at Ben then looked back at Sandra.

"Lastly, Violet has been doing phenomenal, in fact, she was on her way to being valedictorian and since she is the president of the student council, that is a plus, so including this information on her transcript... it should open up more opportunities for her." Sandra said and smiled as she finished typing.

"Opportunities in what way?" Ben asked.

"Well, she has been getting scholarships from Berkeley, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and Princeton." Sandra smiled. "They all want her, her grades are impeccable. She is the top of her class and has a 4.0 GPA throughout her whole school career. And since she completed 6 college classes and has met all the high school requirements, she can easily graduate this month if she wanted to. I've had this conversation with her but she mentioned that she will talk to you both about it." Sandra said.

"Hmm.. This is the first that I'm hearing of this.. I'm sure she wants to stay and make memories.. I'll let her decide at the new school." I said and Ben looked at me.

"Alright. Everything has been entered into the system and sent off to the new school. Do you both have any questions or concerns?" Sandra asked.

"No.. I think we're good." Ben nodded.

"Can Cy graduate earlier as well?" I asked.

"Yes, but they will have to take at least 6 college courses if she wants to get things done in college." Sandra said.

"Okay. I will talk to them about it and let them decide.. thank you Sandra. I appreciate it. Can we get copies of the paperwork you sent off to the new school?" I asked.

"Yes. Give me a moment." Sandra said and made copies of the paperwork then placed them in a folder and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I smiled and took them. Ben and I stood up and so did Sandra.

"Thank you for everything." Ben said and held his hand out.

"Of course, my pleasure. I hope you guys have an excellent time in Georgia. I heard it's a fantastic place to live." Sandra smiled and shook his hand.

"Yes, it is. Thank you." I smiled and shook Sandra's hand as well. Ben and I left afterwards and went to have breakfast at a restaurant in Malibu.

"So what do you think?" I asked Ben.

"I think violet has a decision to make and I can't believe she didn't tell us." Ben said.

"Maybe she wants to go to school in Massachusetts babe. She can even go to Columbia if she wants as well, we won't be too far since we'll be in Georgia." I said to him.

"Well. I suppose. I didn't really like how the director didn't acknowledge Cy's pronouns nor their name. I literally went a year ago to update their records and Cy was with me. That's my child she disrespected." Ben said annoyed.

"I understand you're frustrated babe, but the school is massive, she can't remember everyone's names." I said to him as I rubbed the back of his neck while he was driving. He calmed down a bit and sighed softly.

"So.. can we go shopping after breakfast and look at some furniture?" I asked.

"Anything for you darlin." Ben said as he rubbed my thigh softly and squeezed it.

I nodded and smiled then turned up the music.

My Guy by Mary Wells was playing. I giggled and started singing along.

"I gave my guy my word of honor, To be faithful, and I'm gonna, You best be believing, I won't be deceiving my guy" I sang along and looked at Ben with love.

"And I'll do the same." Ben chuckled and kissed my cheek quickly as we stopped at a light.

"Yeah? Including being trustworthy?" I said and he nodded.

"I don't know about that." I said and stayed quiet.

"Jenn." He sighed and looked at me.

"I'm hungry."I said and rolled my eyes.

Ben leaned in and kissed me deeply. I kissed back as he bit my bottom lip softly and squeezed my thigh. He pulled away and continued driving.

"You can't keep doing that to me." I said to him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Kissing me.. it makes me not mad at you anymore." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh? I thought it was my tongue that made you happy." He smirked.

"That too." I blushed hard.

"Mhm." Ben smirked and continued driving. We arrived at the restaurant an hour later and went inside.

We had a simple breakfast, we didn't really talk much since we were both on our phones answering emails. I looked at Ben and was a bit hesitant to ask him something that I read about.

To be continued...

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