I can't imagine the pain she must be going through as a mother. "You would have found a way, you always have. You would have stopped at nothing to make sure she had all that she could." I replied confidently, placing my hand on her thigh in a reassuring matter. She gave me a gentle squeeze before excusing herself to go calm down.

I found myself crying as well, because in all honesty, had Zayn not done what he did, I'm really not sure what would have happened to Lia.


My phone beeped loudly, notifying me that I received a text. It was from Zayn telling me, for the sixth night in a row this week, the third consecutive week, that he'll be coming home late and I shouldn't wait up. I sighed, not really surprised, and put the food I made for both of us in the fridge.

Of course he's going to be late. He's always gone. It's like I hardly see him anymore. When I do see him, he's too tired to actually hold a real conversation. It's so frustrating to see him like this, choosing work over everything else.

I stepped onto the cool tile, letting it numb my feet as I walked towards the bedroom. It was so quiet and the house felt huge when it was just me here, but it seems as though that's becoming a normal routine.

I sent a text to Lia asking if she was free to hang out and she replied immediately, informing me that she was out with her mother. I sighed and turned my phone off, wanting an escape from everything. I ended up laying down, deciding to use sleep to pass time.

"Shit," I awoke instantaneously jumping in fright as I clutched hold of my chest. "Lia."

I had a dreadful nightmare that something took her away from me almost insidiously. My heart began pumping vigorously as my eyes roamed the room, softening at the fact that it wasn't real. I calmly sighed in relief as I yanked my fingers through my hair.

I sat up slightly and checked the time. It was half past two in the morning. The bed was empty, which means he's probably not back yet, which is quite ridiculous. I went to the kitchen in search of some water, and I noticed the glare of a light coming from down the hallway.

So he is here, he's just working as usual. I walked inside and he glanced up at me, eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. "Zayn it's late, come to bed?" I whispered, pouting slightly.

"I'm almost done." He grumbled lowly, focusing his attention back on his laptop.

"No, come now." I frowned, crossing my arms across my chest.

He said nothing, continuing to type as if I wasn't even in the room. He slammed his laptop shut and stood up, murmuring words to himself as he walked towards me.

His phone beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket, staring at it intently. Angered, I took it, throwing it across the room. "What the hell was that for?" He scoffed, eyes widening.

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