You would rather give him what he wanted and let him use you and make a joke out of you like he did Casey? -T


There was a knock at the door.

I have to go.

Genevieve quickly hid her phone away. Her father opened the door and peeked in. "Hey." She softly smiled. He entered the room and sighed, "I should take away your phone and ground you until the summer you know." He said. "Dad I know you're upset but I promise it won't happen again." Genevieve pleaded.

"Why did you ditch school in the first place?" He asked. "Taylor thought I could use a break and we just went to some nearby town for the day. We didn't do anything bad and we were back home by the end of the school day. I swear." Genevieve explained.

He nodded. The room was silent for a while. It looked like something was on his mind but he didn't know how to say it. "Is everything okay?" Genevieve asked. "Your mom and I are taking a break." He said. "Can you even take a break when you're married?" Genevieve questioned.

He sat on the edge of her bed. "Well we are. She's staying with her sister for a while until we figure things out." He explained. Genevieve stayed silent for a while. "Are you guys getting a divorce?" Genevieve quietly asked. He hesitated for a moment. "Don't worry about that. It's not something you need to be thinking about." He explained.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" Genevieve asked. "Yes and no. I wanted to let you know but I also came here to tell you I wasn't happy about you skipping school. You've already gotten in enough trouble at school, can you just finish up the year without any other issues please? That's all I ask." He replied.

"Am I in trouble?" Genevieve asked. "You're still grounded for a week. But I'm serious no more trouble okay?" He asked. Genevieve nodded. He softly smiled, "Goodnight." He said kissing the top of her head and making his way to the door, "Tell Taylor I said goodnight too." He replied.

"How did you know?" Genevieve asked shocked. He looked back at her and smirked, "I'm your dad I know everything." He said before leaving the room.


Greg and Evan were in Greg's car with Casey and Jaime in the backseat. They were parked a distance away from Amanda's house, Bryan's car was parked outside. "He wouldn't be stupid enough to go see two girls in one night would he?" Jaime asked. "He did it to us and I wouldn't doubt he goes to Rachel's after this." Casey replied. "What if he doesn't?" Greg asked.

"Then at least we tried. But trust me, he would see me after his dates with Genevieve, I wouldn't put it past him." Casey replied. Greg shrugged as they continued to watch the house and wait for Bryan to leave. Greg glanced over at Evan and saw him sending a message on his phone. "Who are you texting?" Greg asked, noticing a guy's name on Evan's phone.

Evan locked his phone and looked over at him. "Why are you being nosy?" Evan asked annoyed. "Are you texting a guy right now?" Greg asked. "And if I was what does it matter?" Evan asked. Casey and Jaime got distracted and watched the exchange between the two. "I thought you said you didn't want anything right now?" Greg questioned. "I never said that. I said I couldn't do anything with..." Evan got silent as he glanced at Casey and Jaime and back to Greg.

"I'm not having another Xavier situation. If I wanted to be stuck in that mess again I would've just stuck with him." Evan replied. Greg slightly glared. "Don't look at me like that." Evan glared. "Is there something you would like to tell the class?" Jaime asked. "No." They replied in unison. "Okay then can you both shut up? Bryan's coming." She said as they all looked and saw him get in his car and start it up.

"Oh shit he's coming!" Greg shouted. Everyone quickly ducked in a panic and waited for his car to pass by them. "Hurry let's go!" Casey shouted. Greg panicked and started up the car.


They tailed him to a unfamiliar home and parked a distance away. Evan zoomed his camera in and began to record. They silently watched as Bryan got out of his car. He leaned against his car waiting for someone. Rachel came out to meet him a few minutes after. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him.

"You and Hannah really weren't lying..."Greg said in shock. "Did I have a reason to?" Casey asked. "To be fair I thought you might have been setting us up and helping them." Jaime replied. Casey slowly turned to look at him. "Yes, because I'd rather waste my time staying up this late to hang out with you losers." She sarcastically replied. "Says the one who got played by the stupid jock." Jaime mumbled. "Do you want me to drag you out of this car and beat you?" Casey glared. Jaime stayed silent. "That's what I thought." Casey mumbled.

Rachel went around the car and got into the passenger's seat of Bryan's car. Evan stopped recording and put his phone away. "Proof of him being a cheating ass, check." Evan said. "What's next?" Casey asked. "We just need Hannah's cousin to get us some recorded confession from Rachel and we'll have everything set to get their asses at prom." Jaime smirked.

"Why would Rachel ever tell her anything?" Casey questioned. "If there's one thing Hannah's cousin knows it's how to play the role of backstabbing bitch like the rest of the cheer squad." Greg replied. "But if she's one of them why would she ever agree to help us?" Casey asked. "Well Hannah did say her cousin doesn't even like them." Evan shrugged. "And aside from that she gets the chance to save her own ass."

"How?" Casey asked. "Well since the cops are involved and the jocks all know about this and were technically involved, Amanda, Rachel, and Bryan won't be the only ones in trouble." Greg explained. "So while Amanda, Rachel, and Bryan face legal charges. The jocks have to face other consequences through the school. But Hannah's cousin gets the chance to get off with a lighter punishment or no punishment at all." Jaime added.

"I thought the plan was to pin it on Rachel because she would drag Bryan and Amanda with her?" Casey asked. "It is. But we get all of this as a plan b to turn over to the school and authorities. Especially if Amanda finds out about Bryan cheating, there's no way he has anyone to help defend him. They would all turn on him and each other just as fast as they agreed to work together." Evan explained. "So we screw them from every angle just as bad as they screwed us."

"Let's see if the school board still thinks it's smart to keep funding those assholes after this scandal." Greg smirked.

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