No Matter What

742 22 17

*next day*

Balancing the milk tea as best I could, I ring the doorbell with my elbow and pray that someone is home.

I was not meant to be out. with covid and everything. But after my brother dropped bombshell news...well how was I suppose to just sit at home?

When the door opens up revealing a man that currently had half a doughnut stuffed in his mouth his jaw drops...along with the doughnut. I watch the food fall to the floor while I make a face that went unseen because of my mask.

" Min Jee home?" I question the guy while I give him a bow.

"Min Jee...aera...aera...AERA! You're Aera!!" He states amazed while I shyly nod my head.

The guy spaces out for a few minutes while I shift my weight uncomfortably. I did still have my hands full with food and drinks after all.

"Oh yes! come in! come in!" He urges while I hesitantly step inside the spall space. The kitchen was connected to the living room that only consisted of two bean bags and a tv that sat on the floor. The place was tiny. extremely tiny. and littered with trash. It was pretty gross to be honest. Pizza boxes were all over the place. There was some old kimchi on the floor. empty and half empty water bottles were scattered on the floor alongside soju bottles.

"How many people live here?" I question

"6" The man answers while he digs into a box and pulls out a new doughnut. I don't think he even picked up the one he dropped.


"where's Minjee?" I question while he points towards the hallway.

"The second room on the left"

"thank you" I whisper and quietly make my way to the room. when I can hear my footsteps, I look down at my feet that still had my shoes on. "Fuck..I'm sorry" I begin to say while I turn around and meet the guys eyes...I look down at the floor and see that he too still has his shoes on. very uncommon in Korea. but then looking to the floor, I could understand why they kept their shoes on. It reminded me of our old dorms and I was terrified  I was going to come into contact with a cockroach or something.

Knocking on the door, I wait for a response and I'm left waiting for a good 5 minutes before I decide to knock again.




still nothing.


"Minjee" I whisper quietly as I knock one more time.




When I hear slight shuffling, I straighten out my posture.

The door opens slightly with a loud creak as I see a girl slightly stick her head out in unease.

"annyeonghaseyo" I bow to her in a 90* degree.

Her eyes light up in realization while she offers a small bow back.

"I...I brought food" I mumble and hold up the plastic bag.

She eyes the bag and closes her mouth, opening the door wider she lets me in before she immediately closes it and locks it.

"Umm we haven't met officially...umm my fault for that...but I'm Aria...Aiden's sister" I offer her my hand. she was wearing a long black cardigan that she wrapped securely around her body as she lightly shook my hand.

"I'm Minjee" She mumbles.

The atmosphere was awkward. very awkward. and a little tense. and I was the reason for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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