How's The Weather?

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"Oooo...La...La" Rose calls out from behind the camera

I laugh while covering my face out of embarrassment before I am instructed to strike a new pose.

After weeks of preparation, we were in the final week before the tour began.

Right now the company had set up a photoshoot with Adidas...and I have been working my butt off in the gym for this!

Those weeks spent in the gym I guess were worth it... I was now "toned" and the company seemed pleased with my transformation.

When the photographer gives me the okay, I stop posing and walk to the monitor to see the results.

I was up first for solo shots and felt a bit awkward posing...but when don't I feel awkward...

Looking at the pictures, I try my best not to critique them too much... 

"Maybe I shouldn't have looked so b*tchy in the photos" I mumble while Rose stands next to me also looking at the pictures.

"No it makes you look bada*s" Rose says as she gasps at some of the pictures with a huge smile.

"Ahhh... You're so beautiful" Rose admires and pulls out her phone to take pics of the monitor.

"Mhm...Thanks" I answer in a low voice while I look around for the photographer's reaction to the photos.

I wanted to make sure he was pleased with them before I went back to the green room. When I spot him smiling while he clicks through the pictures, I take that as him being pleased and give myself a pat on the back.

"Rosie can you take a picture of me?" I ask her while she nods and holds her hand out for my phone.

"Oh... I don't have my phone" I pat my empty pockets and Rose nod pulling out her phone and begins pulling me to the dressing room.

Jennie was already in the dressing room, getting her makeup done and when she sees me she gives me a huge smile.

"You look amazing" She compliments me with a side hug.

"Thank you" I shyly reply back while Jennie giggles.

"You're too cute" She squishes my cheeks.

"Hands off her" Jisoo comes into the room with a frown. 

Jisoo takes steps towards me and stops only a few inches away from me.

"You're sooo cute" Jisoo talks in baby while she more dramatically squishes my cheeks.

"My baby" Jisoo begins hugging me tightly and swaying our bodies side to side.

"Yes, Yes we all know" Jennie says with a smile and eye-roll.

"Aria" Rose calls for me in the corner of the room.

I pry Jisoo's arms off me while she pretends to be in Dreamland, walking to the corner of the room, Rose instructs me to strike a pose as she begins angling the camera in different ways...Spending a good 20 minutes trying to take the best picture for Instagram. 

I still wasn't in control of my social media, so if I wanted a photo posted I would have to send it to management for approval and then they would post it...

I don't understand why I can't use my own social what does the company think I will even do?...Ugh...they're weird...

I just want to go on an Instragam live for goodness sake!

Reading through comments on our music video and articles posted, I know some Blinks were wondering where I had gone... I have not been able to do a VLive in a long time and it was pretty sad... The last time I asked to do a Vlive, management had said no. But to be fair that was right after I got in trouble. I haven't asked since then only because of my packed schedule.

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