It Wasn't A Date

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A lot has happened in just a short amount of time. Stories popping up about my fellow judges and new friends. I was so confused when Minghao's story or "scandal" dropped because how did the reporters know about his comments. I can't recall Minghao's exact comment but surely he hasn't been too harsh to the contestants. I felt bad for him. I just don't understand why people think he's not doing a good job as a are they even watching the show?

I was a bit worried that maybe Minghao thought I was the one to report the story or maybe someone from my team. Because here's a secret that happens in this industry. Your "friends" can backstab you at any time to ruin your reputation while there's can only improve. The same thing goes for the companies. A company can report something they find in regards to another company's idol. It's a sick world and you gotta watch your back.

HOWEVER... I am NOT one of those backstabbing Bitches! I was afraid maybe Mingaho thought I was since I was the only one in the room at the time of that comment about the contestant. 

So when I sent him a text checking up on him, he didn't respond for a while and made me scared to death that he really thought it was me. 

But it turns out he was just in a long meeting with his company to go over the "scandal" but told me everything was going to be fine.

I also would have a meeting of my own.

When Lay's first scandal broke about him being pro-China or something like that, I kinda just minded my own business but then the new story broke out about him neglecting his work while the two of us talked. I'm not sure where these false stories are coming from but it's been a little crazy over here in China.

During my meeting with YG I was told my image has been fine and all of the heat is around the two boys. But I also shouldn't push it and now I'm instructed to keep my distance from both Minghao and Yixing.

So yeah... my company has officially stepped in and put a barrier between me and my new friends. I'm disappointed but I'm sure both Minghao and Lay have also been told to stay away from me.

Because the hate hasn't been directed at me, I'm not sure this classifies as a scandal. But more so Blinks poking fun and making jokes like "Lol I find it funny Lay's being distracted by our Aera" or "Who wouldn't be distracted by Aera?" 

Contrary to what people think, but he is in fact Not distracted by me, and no matter how hard I try... I'm always junior-zoned.


"Do you have all of your stuff" My manager asks while he takes his seat next to me.

I nod my head and try to relax as best I can while we wait for the plane to take off. It was officially my weekend off so I'm traveling to Nepal for a short 2-day trip.

UNICEF had been to Nepal...I want to say a week prior and had a meeting about their finding, and it didn't look good.


I would be staying in Nepal in an orphanage along with the kids to get a real taste and experience for their day-to-day life. I was told that the orphanages are usually corrupt or children are mistreated.

 I know that because I'm going to visit the orphanages the caretakers were gonna be on their best behavior but I also wanted to kinda catch them off guard and see where the money UNICEF just donated to them went.

The only thing I will not be doing in the orphanage is eat their food. I have 2 managers with me and a translator who knows the it wouldn't be right for the orphanage to feed all 4 of us.


I'm really not sure what to expect during this visit but I was told to expect the worse. I'm going to try and keep my composure during the visit but if I see children suffering then I might not be able to hold back my emotions.

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