Met Gala

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"Thank youuuu!!" 

"Do you like them? I was going to get more but Hyung said that was enough. I also wanted to get pink roses but red just seemed more romantic you know? Ohh and did you get my card? My hand kept shaking while I was writing it so it turned out messy but as long as you can read it then that's all that matters. Anyways how are you? Have you eaten? Are you nervous? Can I get a sneak peek of what you're wearing? I promise I won't share it with anybody...Well maybe show off my girlfriend to my Hyungs but whatever they won't tell anyone" Jook finally finishes speaking while I'm trying to keep up with everything he said.

"Okay that was a lot of words in a short amount of time" I mumble with a smile while I pick up his card he sent over with the roses.

"K well Most Importantly...can I get a sneak peek?" He asks and I can hear him, being hopeful

"'re going to have to wait like everyone else" I answer him while I look at myself in the mirror and adjust the robe I was wearing making sure my undergarments weren't peaking through.

"But I'm your boyfriend" He declares like if that gave him special privileges

It doesn't


"And I also got you some really nice roses" He adds while I go to the bouquet to smell some of them

"Okay..." I mumble and sit down in the middle of my gigantic bed.

"Riaaa" He whines

"Stop calling me that!"

"Stop being so mean and show me your face" He retorts while my phone vibrates and it's him trying to start a FaceTime call.

"I'm sorry but I can't" I tell him while I shake my head

"It's not that you can't, it's that you won't" He declares while I smile and nod my head

"Right! I want it to be a surprise for everyone!"

Before Jungkook could say anything else, the doorbell to my room goes off while I pull the robe closer to me, "I'll have to call you back" I tell him before I end the call.

Walking to my door, I peep through the peephole and find a man holding another bouquet.

Opening up the door with a smile, the man greets me with an even bigger smile, "Delivery for Ms. Aera" He announces and I gladly take them.

"Pink Lillies are my favorite" I whisper while I admire the flowers in my hand

"Then this person must know you really well" He answers with a smile and I look up to make eye contact

"Have I seen you before?" I ask him the oddest question while he gasps

"I went to Blackpink's concert a while ago but I didn't think you would recognize me" He tells me with a wide smile while I replicate his expression.

I thought I've seen him before, welp...Blinks...I told y'all I remember you guys! Also It's not really safe for a fan to know my hotel room did he get it?

Stupid! Obviously he delivers flowers!

"Thank you" I tell him while I take a step back in my room and he smiles and waves goodbye to me.

I place the lilies right next to Jook's roses and admire both.



Who are the lilies from? There's no card?

Ehh...oh well.

With another knock on my door, I look at the time and realize it's time to start getting ready!!!

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