Sorry ARMY

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With a nod from him and a sad smile, he looks in the hallway carefully before letting me in.

Stepping into the place seems familiar to me but just carried a sad energy. Things weren't like they use to be and it bothered me greatly.

*cough* "mhm" He mumbles quietly while he scratches the back of his neck. I turn to look at what he was staring at, and my eyes land on the pink slippers.

I decide to not use them and instead just walk around in my socks while I follow him to the living room.

Taking a seat on the couch, he does the same but puts a large amount of space between us, which makes me feel a bit awkward but the action was understandable. I look around at all of the closed doors in the dorm, "Everyone is at a schedule or I kicked them out" He reassures me while I give a small nod.

"Were they upset you kicked them out so abruptly?" I whisper while he offers a small smile and shake of his head.

"I think they've wanted this talk almost as much as you have," He tells me while I turn my head to look straight at the ground.

"So you didn't want to have this talk?" I ask

"I did, but I'm not sure I can answer all of your questions" He answers in a whisper and I can feel his stare but I don't meet his eye.

As embarrassing as it is for me to ask this, I think I've passed my embarrassment stage with Jaehyun at this point.

"So you can't tell me the reason for our breakup?" I turn to ask him while I keep my voice steady.

He stares at me for a few minutes, while I don't break eye contact. I want answers and I want to inform him of other things.

"Just..." He tries to start off but gets frustrated when he can't find the right words so he pushes his hair out of his face and gets jumpy "Some...somethings happen in life whether we like it or not, but...but we just have to ...accept it and...and hope all will be well and better in the end" He answers me but I just stare at him.

"That's such a vague and bullsh*t answer" I tell him with a shake of my head and my lips pressed together.

"Aria, when you texted I initially didn't want to have this talk because you're already angry with me and this will just make it worse" He softly whispers and it annoys me.

"THEN STOP BEING SO FU**ING VAGUE AND JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH!!" I scream out at him in a moment of anger.

Closing my mouth and leaning back on the couch, I take a deep breath while I get annoyed with myself for getting so angry.

"Forget it" I mumble with a shake of my head and open my eyes to stare at him while he looks at me with I don't know sad? guilty? expression.

"I came over to give you a heads up" I tell him while he purses his lips and leans back on the couch.

"I... I've been talking to Jungkook and...and I mean I don't know what he's thinking but I... I like I just thought you should know I'm going to try and...pursue that relationship" I explain while he listens intently but his focus is on the ground

"That is if he will even accept me after he hears about my past with you" I mumble the last part while my eyes drift to the ground.

Jaehyun stays quiet before he gives a small chuckle and what looks to me is a sad smile (but I can be wrong!)

"Aria, you don't have to worry about that part" He whispers to me but doesn't make eye contact with me while he keeps his sad facial expression, which is just so confusing to me if he really is sad.

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