I'm a Mess

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"Where were you last night?" Jisoo asks while she yawns and I'm busy rubbing my eyes that were burning

"umm" I mumble while my mind goes blank..."Uhh-"

Honestly the only thing I have on my mind right now is sleep, so answering Jisoo is just too much of a difficult task for me to do at the moment

"Jisoo you're up" One of the staff calls out while I close my eyes and lay down on the couch

"Good luck" I mumble to her while I hear shuffling around the room.

"Nope! You get up right now!" I hear Oppa tell me and feel the couch sink down. Lifting my head up I squint my eyes up at him but he just holds up an extra large coffee for me. "You decided to stay up late an now you gotta bear the consequences" he tells me while I roll my eyes

He gets up from the couch to offer his hand to help me sit up but I jut groan in the process. "Up! Up! Up" He tells me and places the coffee in my hand once I'm up on my feet

Dragging my feet over to the makeup chair, I figure this is also some sort of way to relax while I sip on my coffee. "I hate morning shoots" I announce while I keep my morning sniffles in.

My voice is anything but pleasant as its still raspy and I'm close to looking like death. How do I know this? well...

"Let's get you looking pretty and not like a zombie" The makeup artists enters the room after she's returned from cleaning the makeup brushes

"Aera listen up" My executive manager walks into the room while he pulls a chair to sit right in front of me

I only stare at him with half open eyes while I continue to sip away at my coffee

"This clothing brand...they've been persistent in wanting to meet you and schedule a lunch" He tells me while I just blankly stare at him and not at the brands email he's showing on his iPad.

"Schedule it then...what the heck is the big deal" I answer him with a tiny bit of annoyance.

"the lunch they have scheduled falls on Thursday around the time you reserved off" He explains while he shows me my schedule for that day and the personal note I made for my reserved time off.

"It's the same time you were going to say your goodbye to Jungkook before his flight to LA" Oppa speaks my thoughts for me

Dropping my head, I rub my forehead tiredly 

There needs to be more hours in a day...

"Ugh whatever just schedule it...work comes first" I answer him tiredly while I go back to stare at my reflection in the mirror

"Are you sure you're not going to regret it?" Oppa asks

"If I don't go to that meeting then I'll just feel guilty when I'm with JK and if I go to the meeting then I'll feel guilty I couldn't say goodbye... honestly it's a lose lose...but Jook will understand better if I cancel on him"

My managers both nod while my executive quickly types out the confirmation email and leaves me be.

"By the way Aera needs to be ready within the next hour so let's get it going" My executive manager shouts which causes my makeup artist to quicken her pace while the hairstylist rushes in.

"Ahh I love morning shoots" I mumble and go back to looking dead.


"Can you do that?" Jennie turns to ask me while I watch her do a quick little belly dance.

"I can to a Shakira song" I answer her while I do my best to image Shakira and how her hips don't lie.

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