Sister Of The Year

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Walking down the tunnel, I am looking down at my script while my castmates were all walking ahead of me.

"Are you stalking me now?" I hear from a somewhat familiar voice.


"Hey, one-night stand dude!" I call out with a smile while Sofia turns around to look at me surprised but my attention was on the super tall dude.

He smiles at me as he walks closer to me.

He smiles at me as he walks closer to me

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"How tall are you exactly?" I ask once he's closer to me as I look up at him.

"6'10" He answers as he looks down at me.


"First you were in a long dress and now you're dressed all emo" He states while I look down at my all-black outfit that had rips in it.

Shrugging, "What can I say, I'm a fashion icon" I joke

"An actress as well right?" He smiles and I hold up my script to confirm it.


"Hey, how's the baby?" I inquire but he shakes his head.

"I'm trying to get a paternity test but she's refusing" He refers to the mom while he stretches his arms out giving me a full view of his muscles.

"Is it weird I just told you my business?" He asks uncertain while I laugh.

"It's only weird if you make it weird"

He nods his head, "How's your sister?"

"Apparently a demon, if you ask my mom" 

He laughs while I begin wondering about this dude's name...

What was it again?

"Aria, we have to go" One of the producers calls out while I nod my head.

"It was nice to see you again Ms. Aria" He smiles down at me while I feel just a tiny bit giddy inside hearing him call my name.

"Yeah see you later-" I smile at him awkwardly while I freeze on what to call him.

"Yikes, you still don't know my name huh" He laughs and wipes his face while I purse my lips.

"It's Kyle" He states while he smiles back down at me.

"Well," I mumble and twist my body...

"Go, Kyle!" I shout and throw my hands up


He smiles while I stand there awkwardly.


"Yeah eww...that was cringe" I state with a shake of my head while I turn my back to him and begin walking towards the production team.


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