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"Can we talk?" She asks with nervous eyes.

"Umm... yeah" I answer back feeling anxious myself.

Jennie sits down on the couch while I slowly make my way to sit next to her.

Feeling slightly awkward I sit back and bring my knees to my chest and wait for Jennie to speak.

Jennie doesn't say anything for a few minutes but instead is scratching the back of her neck. I think she was trying to piece together what exactly she wanted to say.

I look around the dorm to see the girl's lights in their room turned off meaning they either weren't here or they were already asleep.

"I'm sorry" Is the first thing Jennie says.

I turn my head to look at her but she is instead looking at the ground.

"I know I have been such a bitch lately" She starts to curl her eyelashes with her fingers. Trying her best to hide her tears.

I give Jennie a small smile because, in her accent, her apology sounded soo cute.

Letting out a little giggle Jennie looks at me, making me turn my smile into a thin line. "Sorry".

This was not the time for me to be laughing.

"I feel like I should start from the beginning," Jennie says while she takes a deep breath.

"You are very special to me" She makes sure to look me in the eye when she says this.

"But I haven't treated you like that" Jennie looks at the ground while I nod my head.

It was time that both of us were honest with one another.

Because the mood in the room was so serious and sort of tense, I couldn't help but tear up as well.

I'm just a crier, I cry for everything.

"Sometimes, I feel like I wasn't your choice of a friend" I voice out. "Like we're in a group together, therefore you have to be around me". My tears falling down my cheeks as I speak my inner worries.

Jennie lets her tears fall too, "It's not that" She says quickly. When she closes her eyes and sweeps her hair back she stays silent for a little while.

"I've been jealous," She says while keeping her eyes closed.

She takes another deep breath before she continues, "I know it's not right, but I compare myself to you".

Tilting my head to look at her with a blank expression.

"I swear you could do no wrong in the eyes of everyone, whereas if I were to just move wrong I would be the villain of all villains."

I stay silent and keep my focus on the ground.

I knew Jennie was HATED but Jennie never showed us how it affected her.

Instead, we waited and if she wanted to talk to us about it then she would. But for the most part, we left her alone to deal with it and that wasn't right either.

"The reason me and Yeri get along so well is that the same goes for her."

Yeri always receives hate for being added last to the group. The hate made no sense for both girls.

Unlike Jennie, Yeri actually showed me how much it affected her once when she cried to me and Rose about it.

"And I know it was wrong of me to tell you what to do with Jaehyun"

This time I turn to look at Jennie.

"My dad..." Jennie starts to wipe her tears away, "Growing up my parents were so in love, and then one day it just... it's like...all the love just disappeared for him" Jennie's voice breaks.

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