Boss Moves

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I enter the YG building and I'm immediately called over by Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa to the cafeteria.

"Why are we here so early? I lost an hour of sleep" I ask with a loud yawn as I take my seat next to Lisa.

"Did you know?" Jennie flatly asks me while my members huddle together at the already small table

"Know what?"

"Aiden s.l.e.p.t with another girl???" Jennie questions in a harsh whisper while I too join the huddle leaving no gaps.

"How do you know???" I question the others who sigh and fall back into their chairs.

"He told her last night" Jisoo states while my mouth goes wide

"How is she? is she doing okay? where even is she?" I question and look around the YG building for any signs of Rosie.

"Hold up! You knew all along and didn't tell us??" Jennie asks while my members all turn to look at me

"How could I tell you???" I ask shocked

"How could you keep something like this from us?" Lisa shakes her head in large manner

"Because if I had told you then that means all four of us would have known! all four of us would have known before her! Imagine how much more upset she would be is she was the last one to know! And you act like this was light this was dark and a heavy worry i've been having to keep in while at the same time feeling like the fakest person in the entire world around Rosie."

"ani....none of this is your fault" Jisoo shakes her head while Lisa grabs my hand and gives me a small smile followed by Jennie.

"I'm sorry you've been worrying" Jennie whispers

"No this isn't about me! Rosie!! How is she??"

"I'm not sure! We eavesdropped on their conversation" Lisa shrugs while my mouth falls open

"The conversation wasn't done over phone?"

"No he came to the dorm last night and they talked...we just were listening through the door."

I am SHOCKED. "I really didn't think Aiden would tell her at least not so soon"

"to be honest...she locked herself in the room after...and then when we cautiously knocked on her door...we heard her I don't know" Lisa throws her hands up while I scratch my head.

"No offense Aria...but Aiden is a dick" Jennie states

"Ohh who's a dick?" Mino Oppa overhears and now begins walking to our table followed by the rest of the winner members.

I bite my lip and look away as I assume all of the other members do as well.

Obviously this was private.

"well??" Mino presses

"lets say this boy and girl were going out and it was somewhat serious but then they break up and the boy goes and hooks up with another girl like a day or two later...isn't it wrong?" Jennie asks quietly while we all slowly eye Mino with nervous eyes.

"Of course not!" Mino declares and I see the rest of the Winner members nod their head in agreement with him.

"WHATT??" I question

"You said they broke up...therefore they are no longer committed to one another" He shrugs while all of my members begin to argue that it is indeed wrong.

"It's disrespectful to the girl!!" Jennie states

"How? They broke up!"

This soon turns into a whole argument with boys against girls and only escalates when some of the Ikon members get involved and choose their stance.

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