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So I have to praise and thank @DaenerysIsMyQueen for coming up with Aera's fandom name "Knights"

Knights are there to protect Aria and be there for her. She's their princess...Again Thank You So Much to DaenerysIsMyQueen for the name and meaning behind Knights! There will be further information on Knight's meaning and importance to Aria in other chapters.


"I'm tired of the disrespect!" Yells the CEO

"Are you girls so self-centered you don't see the work being done here?" He asks while he leans on the table with his sleeves rolled up revealing his veins popping out.

I was currently in a big hotel conference room with my managers while we are on a video call with YG's CEO...

Yang Min-Suk


"I'm sorry we should have made better comments" I answer while I give a deep bow.

"We will do better in the future" I whisper as I stand up straight and keep my eyesight on the ground.

"If you have a future" He huffs out while he shakes his head.

The room stays silent while we all wait for the CEO to finish.

I did my best to keep my tears in as I prepared myself as best as I could yesterday. After all, I knew this was going to happen...


But for those who don't...

Yesterday during the concert, Jennie made a comment about how she wanted to sing more songs if SHE HAD ANY...Or it was something along those lines...

And was it true?


Was it a bad comment?

Heck Yeah!

I knew the little "harmless" comment was going to lead to this. I knew it was going to be taken the wrong way and I would be the fall guy.

That was nothing new. If there was a problem within the group then I had to communicate it with the higher-ups and if there was a problem on their end then they would communicate it with me.

Only their form of communication is yelling filled with threats. Well only recently have there been threats made over our future.

"You have by tomorrow to apologize to everyone you have offended here" The CEO states.

"Because you might not think so, but there are people here working their ass off to see you girls, to the top and maintain that pretty image that nowhere fits your personality... This is not the girl group we debuted 3 years ago...FIX IT"

When the video cuts off, the managers release the breath they had been holding while I release my tears.

"All of this over a stupid comment" I shout while my tears fall down my cheeks and I take a seat.

As soon as the meeting had begun, Yang Min-Suk had wasted no time in yelling and giving me new demands to follow.

It sucked... it sucked knowing you have no power in the agency, it sucked that they could dangle everything you love or worked hard for in front of your face and threaten to take it all away.

I didn't even understand where all this hate was coming from. We are all doing our job as "Blackpink" but it still seemed like it wasn't enough.

"Aria" Oppa whispers to me while he holds his hands out to help me up.

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