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"Bring out your boss bish"

"Hana dul set"

Flipping my hair, I stare at myself in the mirror while I swing my arms back and take a step back in line with Lisa and Rosè.






DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

How you like that!

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

You gon' like that"

Dropping to the floor, I do my best to stay on beat and in synch with my members while I'm out of breath.

"DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

How you like that!

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu

DDu, DDu, DDu, DDu-DDu-DDu"

When the music comes to an end, I pop my shoulder for a bit of dramatic purposes while I look at the mirror to see all of my members breathing heavy.

But after a few seconds, our choreographer who is standing off on the side of the room is clapping his hands.

"Kamsahamnida" Jennie is the first to bow to the choreographer while the rest of us follow after her with a bow while we do our best to catch our breath.

"We really like the dance" Jennie speaks up while he walks closer to us

"You girls performed it beautifully" He says while he takes his turn to look at each one of us.

"I love the dance" I speak up and twirl around the dance room...twirling all the way to a special shelf.

"Ahh!! Where did you get that?" Jisoo is the first to ask while the girls just gasp.

"I love the dance and hopefully other people will too so we can get another one of these" I say hopeful while I carefully hold up our 2018 Melon Music Award for Best Dance Female.

"I'm sure they will" Rosie smiles while everyone walks closer to me to look at the award.

"How did you get it?" Jisoo asks once again while I just smirk and pass it to the choreographer.

"That's a secret" I reply while everyone takes turn holding the award.


I thought it might serve good motivation for us to work harder this comeback and give good performances for Blinks. They have been waiting so long for this comeback and I want to make them proud...and have them be just like "ahhh...it was worth the wait"


"Did you sneak into the trophy room?" Jennie asks while raising a brow, I however hum and walk back to the middle of the room and leave them to admire the award.

Also...if any staff were to come in...then my members will get caught with the award were not suppose to have... in their hand and... not mine.





I wouldn't let them take all the blame!

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