I'm Home

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After a long and exhausting 12 hours on a plane. I was finally home.


Well, sort of...

Our flight landed in Portland, Oregon at 9:00 P.M.

I'm a terrible flyer, I get very nervous whenever I'm on an airplane and can never properly relax.

I usually have to take a few sleeping pills before a flight to calm me down and make me fall asleep.

Even though we were first class (thank you Netflix) I still felt uncomfortable with the lack of space.

I think I'm claustrophobic.

When we did land, I was quick to grab my carry-on and give a huge thank you to the pilots for...yk..not killing me. And, run out of the airplane like a crazy person.

I then wait for my managers to come out but look around my surroundings.

Yes, it was just a regular airport. But it's an airport in AMERICA.

I grew up in California which is just down south of where I am currently.

Even though I wouldn't be able to go back to California, it made it easier for my family to come to see me now that we were in the same country and I was just one state above them.

When I see my managers making their way towards me I give them the biggest smile while I twirl around happy.

Don't get me wrong. I love Korea.

But I also love the relaxed atmosphere here in America.

No customs or age superiority I had to worry about.

Though I was here for work this would also be a bit of a vacation for me when it came to worrying less about my speech or actions around my seniors.

Peace of mind people.

We all start to walk to the baggage claim while I hear a few gasps.

I look to my left and see two teenage girls staring at me.

I stare back at them shocked before they step a little closer to me. My managers are quick to step in front of me and put their hands out.

But I go around them and their hands and make my way to the girls.

"Are you Aera?" One of the girls asks while the other keeps her stare at me.

"You know me?" I ask in a whisper being amazed.

I knew we had a following internationally, but I also didn't think it was that big of a following either.

Not enough for me to be recognized.

"We love Blackpink" The girl who stared at me finally speaks.

I give the girls a big smile, "Thank you". I say with a little bow but then stand up straight knowing I don't necessarily have to do that anymore.

"Can we take a picture?" The girls ask at the same time while I laugh

"jinx," I say to them while they both in unions hit each other yelling "jinx".

The three of us laugh it off and they pull out their phones for a quick selfie.

"Thank you for your support," I say when I see my managers calling for me.

The girls and I exchange smiles and wave goodbye to each other.

It made me feel good, to be here in America and to be able to meet some Blinks.

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