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When I returned to our dressing room, I was greeted by our team of stylists, makeup, and hair with a small bouquet of roses.

"'Kamsahamnida" I bow to all of them.

I look over to the 3 managers here with us to see them giving me a smile replacing the one of anger from a minute ago.

This meant our performance was good and they approved of it.

"Don't do that again" The manager that came out to find me says with a little hint of annoyance but ultimately the mood in the room was a good one.

I smile/nod and take a seat on the couch next to Jennie who was occupied on her phone.

"It's nothing serious right?" Jennie asks with annoyance in her voice.

"What?" I ask looking at her.

I can feel some sort of tension radiating off of Jennie. Almost like she was annoyed with me?

"Keep it at friends between you and him" She states while looking me dead in the eye before walking away.

I am stunned a little.

Jennie telling me what to do and what not to do is nothing new. But never has she said it while showing her displeasure and annoyance with me.

Lisa comes a minute later while I am thinking back to our performance and if I had made any mistake to rub Jennie the wrong way.

I don't think I messed up.

"So... what did you guys talk about?" Lisa leans into me and whispers.

Because she's whispering, I know she's referring to Jaehyun.

"Ohh" I sit up straighter while rubbing my hands together.

A thing I do whenever I'm nervous.

"He asked me on a date," I say in a whisper, not wanting our managers to hear just yet, or even Jennie.

Lisa gasps and covers her mouth with a smile on her face.

"Ohhhh... what did you say?" She asks with wide eyes.

"You said, yes right?"

"I mean you've been crushing pretty hard"

She now asks aloud thinking over my current actions these past 2 months.

"Of course, I said yes," I say looking down at my hands trying to hide the smile I feel creeping up.

Lisa claps and smiles to herself.

"But he asked to go out tonight," my smile going away.

"Oh... yikes" Lisa makes a face of nervousness.

I look over to our managers to see one of them on the phone with the company, while the other two are looking over documents on their computer.

They didn't look like they were paying much attention to what me and the girls were doing.

The dating ban that was put on all of the girls was gone clearly since Jennie and Kai. The company was fine with those two as long as it was kept a secret.

It wasn't until after the couple was revealed that the company got mad.

I know right now, It's probably best for this date with Jaehyun to be kept quiet since Jennie's scandal is still pretty new.

This caused a problem with how I was gonna go on this date.

Usually, I would let the managers know, who would then let the company know. Then the company talks it over and calls you in for a meeting.

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