WAIT!! WHAT???""

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Aera's Outfit

"I LOVEE IT" Jennie speaks up while she begins to comb her hands through my hair

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"I LOVEE IT" Jennie speaks up while she begins to comb her hands through my hair.

I stare at her in the mirror with a smile "It's only temporary hair dye... the hairdresser said it should wash out after like 2 showers"

"Well you should actually dye your hair...why only go half way" Lisa chimes in while she sits next to me

"I wasn't sure if I wanted to do purple...I didn't want to clash with Rosie" I answer

"Rosie has like silver purple...so you look fine" Jennie shrugs

Jisoo and Rosè come into the room after changing into their stage outfits.

"Guys listen...I was thinking-"

"You think?" Lisa questions with a smile while I hit her shoulder

"Since I can't actually sing Bring out your boss bitch... I was thinking I change it to... bring out the blinks and then you know go straight into the dance break...what do you think"

"Show us" Jisoo nods her head at me, prompting me to stand up

I do everything exactly the same, but with the change of words, I shout a little louder "Bring out the blinks" and drop to the floor for the dance routine and again...do everything the same.

"I just feel like it could be a real crowd booster and why not give a little shout out to Blinks...especially since you know...the live voting...it's kinda like...you know a calling"

I look to my members for approval and when Jisoo breaks into a smile she comes to hug my waist

"Why are you trying so hard to convince us...of course" Jennie smiles and I do too.

"Girls let's begin walking" One of the managers calls out

We all exit out the room to begin walking towards the stage while Jennie mumbles, "These shows aren't fun without a live audience"

I think all of us are feeling the effect of performing without a crowd. There's hardly any excitement when you just have your management team in the audience. You can't be hyped because there's no applause..screams...nothin. 

"Stupid Corona needs to go away already" I sigh

"Nobody likes her" Rosie chimes in with a pout while we all stop and begin to get mic'd up before going on stage

"Miss RONA needs to go away" Lisa shouts and I hold my breath for a quick second until I realize her mic isn't turned on yet.



"girls" one of the stage directors calls out, making us all shut up and begin making our way to the stage

"Do well and have fun!" Jisoo shouts before were given the cue our mics our now turned on.

I stand in position behind Jisoo while I wait for the music to begin until I remember about fancams

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