Chapter 130: The Last Killer (4)

Start from the beginning

Not willing to wake up? Lost the will to survive? Is he talking about Sha Qing? Leo showed an absurd expression and sneered at the young doctor, "He would beat anyone who attacks him with his bare hands, even if he's outnumbered, even if he's held at a gunpoint. Are you saying that such a person has no will to live?"

The young doctor shrank his neck, like he just got forced to swallow an ice cube in the middle of winter . The attending doctor then hurriedly walked out to finish the conversation and left awkwardly with the resident.

Leo glanced at their backs with a scowl, sat down on the edge of the bed, and reached out to brush away the hair that had fallen on the side of Sha Qing's cheeks. The young Asian man's eyes were peacefully closed, his eyelashes casting dark, thick shadows beneath them, like the wings of an unmoving butterfly, making his cheeks thinner and his lips more pale. Leo's hand paused above his cheek for a moment, then caressed it all the way from his forehead to the bridge of his nose, and then to his jaw. He then said in a deep voice, "You're being looked down upon, Sha Qing. Get up and kick their ass."

"Hurry and get up. If you want to continue your escape, now is the perfect time-there's only one sleepless, starving agent here. He's no match to you at all."

"Your blank bullets smashed Rob with a big bruise. He complained about why you didn't put another layer of bullet proof vest on him."

"Your explosives were also loaded in the wrong place. Didn't you say you bombed Riker's fifth facility? How come the only thing that blew up was the bridge to the island? Do you know how stupid I looked when I got the zero casualty report? I can't believe I was laughed at by that rookie Rob."

"And Daniel, that cunning jackal was almost caught. Unfortunately he managed to escape again, but we have issued a national wanted notice. I guess he'll have to live the rest of his life miserably wandering around."


In the silence of the ward, there was only the intermittent voice of a man who seemed to be trying to convey everything he hadn't been able to say to the man lying on the bed since they got acquainted more than a year ago, all in one go, in these few hours.

His mobile phone kept ringing, but Leo did not answer.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and two plainclothes agents walked in, telling Leo that they were here for the shift change for the patient's surveillance, and that the bureau ordered him to return to the headquarters immediately.

Leo remained sitting on the edge of the bed without a word, since he felt that he had nothing to say to them. He only had the desire to speak to the unconscious Sha Qing lying on the hospital bed, and didn't even want to bother to make any sort of sound to others.

The stalemate lasted until one of the agents couldn't bear it anymore and decided to dial the division head.

"Leo! How dare you not answer your fucking phone? Get your ass back here right away! As in right now! The higher ups are still waiting for your report!" Gordy's angry voice blasted through the phone then with a snap, he hung up the call.

Leo held his phone in his hand and remained focused for a moment before turning to the two agents, saying, "If he wakes up, please let me know immediately."

Then he walked out of the ward without looking back.


The next day, nobody knew which person in the hospital leaked the news, but the media swarmed the hospital. The police urgently dispatched personnel to arm and isolate the ward where Sha Qing was located. However, the media people were still trying to break inside to create eye-catching and explosive news headlines, such as "The Serial-killer Hunter Committed Another Crime After his Escape, Got Seriously Injured by the FBI".

A large number of fan groups also received the news and the hospital got completely surrounded. There was even a young blonde woman with blue eyes, dressed in a low cut wedding dress, who was kicking and punching as she tried to break into the cordon, screaming feverishly, "Get out of the way! You thugs! Tyrants! Don't delay my wedding! Sha Qing, your bride is here! Let me in-!"

That night, the FBI dispatched a special operations team to secretly transfer Sha Qing through helicopter to the police internal hospital.

Rob vividly recounted all those happenings to Leo, but his partner was completely unimpressed and didn't even give him an extra glance. There were several boxes of files stacked on the desk, and Leo was dealing with the official duties that had been piled up during this period of time, clearing up the tasks at hand one by one. He worked almost day and night, rarely eating and sleeping. He has always been a workaholic, but what alarmed Rob was that Leo had never overloaded himself to the point of defying human nature.

He tried to persuade Leo to not abuse himself too much and prioritize his health, but the dark-haired agent only replied with two words, "--Go away."

Rob was at his wits' end, looking at Leo as if he were a mad wizard who was using his body and soul together as spell casting materials. In a daze, he finally decided to make a lousy move of saying to to Leo, "The hospital called and said that Sha Qing seems to be having a bit of a reaction ......"

Leo immediately slammed the contents of his hand and rushed out the door.

As a result, he almost beat up Rob in the hospital corridor. The doctor solemnly told them that the patient has been in a coma for 17 days with no conscious activity. Despite the fact that the subcortical center could still maintain autonomous breathing and heartbeat, if the patient's condition continues for more than a month, he may enter a vegetative state

"It's really odd." the doctor said, "From the results of our multiple examinations of his brain, no cranial trauma or lesion was found, so it stands to reason that he should have woken up long ago. His pupils were reactive to light, there were eye tracking movements and sleep-wake cycles. His vitals were also fairly stable with the input of nutrient solution. Perhaps his coma... is psychogenic."

Those were the words from the doctor at the last hospital too, and Leo couldn't help but shoot back, "That's bullshit!"

The doctor choked for a moment but still tried his best to explain it in layman's terms to the two agents who almost fought, "This is a reaction caused by intense psychological trauma. You can understand it this way: The patient's subconscious mind closes off his mental world from communication with the outside world for reasons such as isolation from injury, self-protection, and the likes, thus manifests itself physiologically as a refusal to be awake. In this case, medication has little effect, so I suggest that you try using suggestion therapy."

Leo pondered over the doctor's words and asked, "How?"

"You can find people or things that are of great significance to the patient, including certain scents, sounds, etc., and use language, actions, and environmental conditions to stimulate the patient in a benign manner. There's a chance that he'll wake up."

"We can play movies by his bedside, such as Saw and Zodiac twenty four hours a day," Rob whispered to Leo. "Or go to the prison and bring a few inmates for a live performance version?"

Leo glared at him angrily and walked into the ward, locking the door behind him.

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