Chapter 115: Allies & Visitors (1)

Start from the beginning

At present, the victor and his family are still firmly occupying the west coast. Compared to him, Wolf is just a small-time leader among the many branches of the Bloods. Rafael got hunted down so he hid in prison, preferring to spend a lifetime here than fall into that man's hands. As for me, I got this blood plate from Daniel, the son of Sean Seville who was another adopted son of Vaughan."

Timothy patiently listened to him finish the secret history of the Bloods Gang and said in a sarcastic tone, "So where's the benefit in joining the Bloods? I don't seem to have heard that word from that whole lot of nonsense."

"-What I'm saying is that while I do have this tag, it's not mine. Did you know that the usurper had been struggling to find the secret vault after killing Vaughan? Even accounting for inflation, there's still an estimated $500 million in there. Now, think about it, to whom would that old Vaughan leave that money to?"

Timothy's eyes lit up like a blazing sun on the hazy sea, "Rafael Stoker? Could it be that inheritance has something to do with his blood plate? Does he not know?"

"I think that's the case. Vaughan died so suddenly that he didn't even have the time to tell him. Now, are you finally getting why I joined the Bloods? I wanted to create an opportunity to approach Rafael so that I could get his blood plate, and compare it to the one I have to study the secrets of the inheritance carefully. Unfortunately, I thought Rafael was in the fifth district, but I haven't heard the slightest news about him these past few days of snooping around. I think only Wolf knows where he is."

"Half a billion dollars. The fact that you are being so generous in telling me this is making me suspicious. Elvis, what do you want from me?" Timothy rose, an elegant and dangerous smile appearing on his face as he quietly reached behind him with the empty hand.

"A seat."

" So simple?"

"Yes, that simple." Sha Qing shrugged, "Believe it or not, I can't swallow that amount of money alone. If I don't want to spend the rest of my life living under the Bloods Gang's pursuit, I have to find myself a strong and reliable enough backer. That would be you, Mr. 'Godfather'."

"Our seats are too valuable to be wasted on an outsider who can't prove loyalty and hasn't made any contribution. In addition, you'll also need a referral from someone with enough weight in the organization ." Timothy said.

Sha Qing smiled, "Oh, I happen to have all these. If I get the money, I only need one fifth of it, and the rest belongs to the family. Is that enough contribution value? As for the referral, his name is Alessio. Alessio Berardi."

For a moment, a chilling dim light flashed in Timothy's, but it quickly disappeared without a trace, as if the eerie coldness of that second was just an illusion. "What is your relationship to my younger brother?" He said softly, with a hint of unspeakable hidden anger suppressed into his voice.

"We are friends, the kind that is more intimate than ordinary friends-you could say we're 'close friends'." Sha Qing replied in a you-know-that-some-things-can't-be-brought-up-on-the-table tone, "We live in the same room at MCC."

"Then you should know that there are old scars on both of his knees."

"Do you mean on both ankles?"

"He got it after a street fight when he was 18 years old."

"I think it was a little earlier, around fifteen, and it wasn't as simple as a street fight. He suffered so much that he was close to a mental breakdown at one point, but I'm glad he made it through and threw those who hurt him into the meat grinder. He told me that he never got rid of the scar to remind himself: If you're hurt by someone, the solution is simple- just get rid of them. And so he did. He's a lot tougher than he looks, isn't he?" Sha Qing said while still smiling, but behind the dazzling smile, a sadness full of love and compassion slowly seeped out. This was a dense, suppressed emotion , so much so, to the point that it seemed like it couldn't be contained anymore that it began to overflow.

Timothy's body tensed, like a statue, and after a few seconds, he spoke, "I didn't expect him to even tell you about the past. Although he looks gentle, he never opened his heart to anyone- well, maybe when we were young, he did... He used to tell me everything, but now..." he stopped talking and didn't say more.

A few moments later, his expression returned to the original, looking stern and arrogant. The previous warmth was like a water ripple after a short breeze blew across the surface of the lake: fleeting and now non-existent.

"I can get you a position-not the marginal odd-job runner kind- but as a real part of the family. I am reminding you though, that only after you hand over the four-fifths as your contribution will this promise of mine become official." Timothy said in a lukewarm manner, "Now, tell me, how do you plan on obtaining Rafael's whereabouts from Wolf?"

Sha Qing stretched out his right hand and slid his fingertips across the back of the row of playing cards in his opponent's hand. He then gently drew one from the deck, and held it between his two fingers- it was precisely the Big Joker card, "With your help, Godfather."

Timothy yanked the chain of the blood plate pendant from Sha Qing's neck and pulled him closer. With their noses almost touching, they seemed to be able to sniff the fishy yet sweet smell emanating from the depths of each other's souls. He was familiar with this flavor- it was the extreme desire for money and power, and no matter under which skin they were wrapped under, their essence was the same.

"You know what I hate the most? Deception, and betrayal. If I ever find out you've lied to me and to Alessio," The mafia head whispered in Sha Qing's ear ever so softly like a lover's whisper, "I will ensure that you will die a very slow and painful death."

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