Chapter 28: A Temporary United Front (1)

Start from the beginning

No one can survive this leg kick and live with a healthy condition - brain damage is inevitable and may lead to death. Sha Qing definitely have to avoid this attack- he dodged left and right from the sweeping kick of the opponent's pressing blow.

The fighting styles in the black market were actually monotonous, with more than 90% of leg technique. The top fighter's killing skills were almost the same as their leg skills. They can launch deadly attacks from most angles and positions, and rarely fight close to the body. But it was these sweeping kicks, side kicks, and air kicks that are more direct and more powerful. As long it's firmly powerful, these kicks could definitely cause fractures or even cranial hemorrhage.

The fighting style of Sha Qing is more similar to the small scale attack style in martial arts- by attacking the joints, acupuncture points and vital parts, the opponent's body suffers from severe pain and loses of combat effectiveness. After all, the weakness of the race type is there. You can't expect two people with a difference of 20 kg to collide with each other like two tanks.

But the unequal size and strength have caused these skills to be suppressed to the most meager component.


The title of 'Devil King' is not just for show. Evan's anti-strike ability is strong that it's almost inhuman. He could suffer three of those strikes and he would still be able to fight his opponent. But in his case, Sha Qing's heart was very clear in his mind that with his physique, one vital strike from his enemy is enough for him to lose half of his life.

The other party could make mistakes and expose flaws, but he couldn't relax.

This was the hardest fight he had gone through so far.

Whilst the opponent bitterly howled when he experienced the taste of his joints, muscle, bones and veins being attacked and incapacitated, Sha Qing himself also suffered several blows and kicks due to lack of physical strength. He had a large number of soft tissue contusions, fractured arms and calves, and an almost broken whole row of ribs.

Cold sweat soaked his back and dyed the dark gray fabric black. His breathing gradually became shallow, and he heard the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. His eyes were black and dizzy - he knew that it was a symptom of short-term collapse after a strenuous activity.

But the big white man, as strong as an iron tower, was still screaming like a vintage locomotive that refused to be scrapped as he furiously rushed over.

Sha Qing's calm mind told him to dodge, but his weak body dragged his hind legs - he gasped and leaned sideways. Suddenly, he saw a blazing flame with the full size of a basketball flew through the air and smashed into Evans' chest and abdomen.

The flames brought Evans' fear - the pain emitted from the burn scar on his entire right arm, and instantly swept across his brain- Fire! Burn! Severe pain! Death! The tongue of fire caught and engulfed him; the hell cracked open an abyss and he struggled as he plunged into the boiling magma...

If his psychiatrist was present, he would tell him that his hallucinations at that moment were actually a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder but unfortunately, he never had the opportunity to visit one.

A black figure made a straight line in the air, and rotated 360 degrees at a rapid speed. His long legs whistled and cut towards Evans' face - a perfect turn-spin-kick into the air!

Blood spewed out with broken teeth, and Evans staggered backwards, and his back knocked into a heavy iron frame full of debris.

The shadow rushed forward towards the Devil King, his left foot landed on the man's chest while the tip of his right boot also kicked Evans' jaw fiercely. Amidst the spitting blood and clear fracture sound, the black figure flipped backwards with force by some distance and landed with unsteady feet because of the impact, then stumbled to the floor.

Evans was knocked over to the ground by these two consecutive kicks.

Sha Qing saw the opportunity - he jumped up and with his sharp elbow, smashed his entire body weight into the Devil King's temple.

Evans, who was pressed under him, twitched sharply as dark red blood flowed out from his nasal cavity, mouth and ears "An...tho...ny..." The name gurgled from his throat; the pale yellow eyes were full of unbelievable despair, then the ferocious and desperate eyes solidified on his face.

The handsome young man's nerves were still tense. In the face of such a monster-like opponent, he did not dare to be careless. He clasped the other person's head with both hands and twisted it back. With a crunch, Evan's head was twisted into an impossible angle -the supposed to be 'back of the head' was now a face; the cervical spine had been completely broken.

This scene looked familiar ... The federal agent who fell to the ground remembered with shock- that 6th victim, the night shift police patrol, also had his cervical vertebrae broken.

Evans, the 'Devil King' who was good at kicking people's head and breaking off others' necks, finally got kicked and broke his neck.

Is this the eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?

Leo stared blankly at Sha Qing. This serial killer, who takes slaying other serial killers as his duty, sat on the dead prey to slowly recover his breath and restore his strength.

At the feet of the corpse was a mass of clothing about to be completely burn into ashes, which was Leo's coat.

Inspired by Evans' burn scars, Leo found a bottle of motor oil in the basement and poured it on his coat to ignite it. Sure enough, he triggered the other person's psychological trauma which secured him and Sha Qing the crucial few seconds.

After a while, the attractive lad stood up, picked up a bloody tri-edged knife and put it in his sleeve. He then walked to Leo and reached out to help him. "Although you didn't listen to me, and your behavior of running back without permission made me very unhappy, but still, thank you ... You saved me once, so now were even."

"You killed him." Leo said; the somber tone recounted a chilling fact.

"It's us." Sha Qing smiled at him. "Look, that's the fact. You are a law enforcer-you're innocent when killing; I'm not wearing a uniform-I'm guilty of murder. Law is such a bitch, having clothes is one face, take off your clothes is another face. Whoever treats her as a goddess is a fool."

Leo's lips tightened and his face seemed to drip into ice.

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